L&T Technology Services Interview Experience for R&D Department

The entire hiring process consisted of 3 rounds.

First Round: This was an online test that consisted of 30 Technical MCQs questions which were streamed specifically. It included two coding questions, the ones which I got were some of the perfect square elements in array and printing of alternate digits in a number for example if 4567 is user input, the output produced should be 57. The final section of the Online Test was psychometric analysis which had several divisions such as Pattern matching, Data Interpretation. The verbal section included Word meaning, Synonyms, and Antonyms. The assessment was conducted on AON CoCubes hence, the Psychometric analysis (Gamified Assessment) was timer-based i.e., the objective was to finish as many questions within the allotted time.  

Second Round: This was the Technical Interview, where the Team lead of LTTS’s embedded designing solutions was the Interviewer. He introduced himself and the responsibilities which his team undertakes. The Interview was mainly focused on my Project works and Resume. Even the Technical questions were based on my favorite subject, the ones he asked were:  

  • What is GPIO?
  • What are the states of a GPIO pin?
  • What is multiplexing?

          The interviewer asked about my experience in several Microcontroller and Microprocessor platforms such as Arduino and Raspberry Pi. He also asked about the programming languages which I knew and the ones which I implemented in my projects. The Interview was a positive experience and it gave me an insight into the job proposition which was put forth by LTTS.

Third Round: This was an HR Interview, the Interview questions asked mainly were personality-based. He asked about the effects of COVID in my life and how I am facing the situations in general due to the Pandemic. He also asked me for my opinion on the Virtual hiring process. Few other questions were:

  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • What are your plans for Higher Education?
  • Will you reject the L&T offer, if a better offer is presented?
  • 3 Strengths and Weaknesses
  • What makes you angry in general?

The Interviewer also asked about my parents and siblings. Also, he asked about the responsibilities which I undertook during my college years inclusive of both Academics and Extracurricular activities. The Interview ended on a positive note. The Interviewer was a pleasant person to talk to and was very polite.

Overall, it was my first corporate Interview and I had a great experience attempting it. All the interviewers were very polite and friendly in nature.

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