L&T- NxT Interview Experience for Graduate Engineer Trainee | On-Campus 2021

L&T-Nxt is a subsidiary company of Larson and Tubro Group. It mainly works in the field of AI and IoT.

Sit tight as my Interview Experience is a roller coaster. As in big organizations like L & T, it takes time and patience.

Important Dates:

  1. Online Test(Aptitude) – 9 Nov 2020
  2. Technical Interview I – 3 Feb 2021
  3. Coding Test (Part of L&T-NxT) – 17 Feb 2021
  4. Technical Interview II – 22 Mar 2021
  5. Managerial Round – 24 Mar 2021

Online Test: It was a normal aptitude test with all basic Aptitude questions like time & speed, work proportions, etc, along with our Computer Science fundamental questions in OS, Networking & DBMS.

After the online aptitude test interview process of other branches continued…

Technical Interview I: After a long wait, in Feb, I got a call from HR that I have a technical Interview in two days.


  1. Tell me about yourself (It almost framed my interview)
  2. What is Binary Search
  3. What is the difference between Array and a linked list
  4. What were your projects and your role in it
  5. As I have a web dev project in Node JS- so they dive deep into the implementation of the database(No SQL as implemented)
  6. How did you implement authentication in your project

Coding Test: After a week I got a mail from my placement office is that our batch of CSE eligible candidates had been transferred from L & T Constructions to L&T-NxT (which was surely good news), and also we have a coding test in mid-Feb.

So the format of the Coding Test was(3 hrs time):

  • Three levels- each contain 6 questions (Levels- easy, medium, hard)
  • Solve any four out of six from each level

* I’m adding questions that I have done, can’t remember all of them

Easy Level

  1. Extract numbers’ sum from an 18 digit alphanumeric string input.
  2. Create a web to implement a simple calculator which also shows the history of calculations(History-Didn’t implemented)

Medium Level

Hard Level

  1. An array traversal problem.

* Question asked were pure web development and implementation based, I have picked my questions and solved them accordingly.

Technical Interview II

Questions (Interviewer was a Platform Developer):

  1. Tell me about yourself
  2. What are linear and non-linear data structures?
  3. Which data structure would you implement to store the data of a company? and why? (Union and structure dynamic implementation)
  4. Which concept are you using to define the schema of these data structures? (OOP)
  5. What are the basic concepts of Object-Oriented programming?
  6. Which concept would you choose to extract data from two tables? (Foreign Key & Joins- Discuss Both)
  7. What were your projects and your role in them? (Web Development and Data Schema Implementation role)
  8. He also asked about the concept I have used for text summarization in my NLP project.

Overall this interview round almost took 60+ minutes. These types of interviews are often enjoyable as they discuss all the CS fundamentals open-ended. 

Managerial Round

Questions(Interviewer was a Tech Lead ):

  1. What is the difference between C, C++ & Python?
  2. What is the difference between array and vector?
  3. What is a map and how it is implemented in C++?
  4. What are your hobbies? (Cricket and singing), then asked about which player do you like the most? (Virat Kohli)
  5. (Most important question according to me)- I think Virat Kohli plays for himself in the team, so would you also think about playing for yourself rather than playing for the team?

On 9 April (Exactly after 5 months of my aptitude test), I got an Offer Letter for GET(Graduate Engineer Trainee) from L&T- Nxt HR department. 

* Good things take time to happen, the main point is you have to be 100% ready to grab that opportunity.

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