10 Low-Code Trends to Watch in 2024

Low-code trends empower the developers as well as the non-developers to develop complex or difficult enterprise solutions that are easier to integrate, upgrade, and modify in the future. The usage of low code has increased in the present time and also will increase in future years due to the rapid software development and its advantages such as reduction of risks, cost-effectiveness, and scalability of the product.

Due to these benefits, new use cases have risen such as rapid deployment, prototyping, and rapid deployment. Therefore, in this article, detailed knowledge has been provided about the Low-code trends in 2024.

Table of Content

  • What are Low-Code Trends?
  • 10 Low-Code Trends to Watch in 2024
    • 1. Democratisation of Development
    • 2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Integration
    • 3. In the Industries Adoption of Low-Code
    • 4. DevOps and Agile Methodologies Integration
    • 5. Low-Code Expansion to Complex Applications
    • 6. Increase in Adoption by Large Enterprises
    • 7. Performance and Scalability
    • 8. Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Tools Integration
    • 9. Focused on User Experience
    • 10. Cloud-Native Low-Code Development
  • Conclusion

What are Low-Code Trends?

Low-code trends are particularly used by developers so that they can build complex enterprise solutions. The organization can easily adapt to the low code trends and can quickly make changes in the market and also fast track its digital transformation efforts. These low code trends consist of many advantages such as being cost-effective, reducing the time of deployment, lowering the cost of scalability, and minimizing the risks. Therefore, due to these advantages, the use of these Low-Code Trends has increased during these years.

10 Low-Code Trends to Watch in 2024

Now that we have understood what are Low-Code Trends, we will move toward learning the Top 10 Low-Code Trends. Some of the Top 10 Low-code Trends in 2024 are mentioned below:

1. Democratisation of Development

The democratization of development is a software development process that is available to the citizen developers to reach a large audience beyond the professional developers. It demonstrates the capabilities that are provided by the solution where the non-technical users, who are the citizen developers, can develop simple to complex apps without writing extensive code. This trend has many advantages such as productivity increases, it also helps businesses to reduce their reliance on IT departments and develop a culture of innovation.

2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Integration

Whatever technologies which want to exist in the future can be fully integrated with Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence. A big competition can be seen between Bing and Google to integrate AI to find the information in a simpler way. This is one of the important trends which empowers the technology with the advanced capabilities which allow the citizen developers to target the complex applications without even acquiring the advanced skillset to create and deploy the digital solutions. AI can be advantageous in numerous ways such as by providing advanced intelligence and automation capabilities.

3. In the Industries Adoption of Low-Code

This is another Low code trend which particularly refers to the low code which is gaining high importance and acceptance in the industries with the strict regulations and compliance requirements such as healthcare, government and finance. These industries earlier hesitated to adopt new technologies due to the concerns around regulatory and security compliance. Example- In finance these are used to create applications which can coordinate with the regulations in anti-money laundering, data privacy and risk management. In healthcare, they are used to develop applications which can coordinate with the HIPAA regulations and enable security while sharing data of a patient.

4. DevOps and Agile Methodologies Integration

DevOps and Agile methodologies integration is one of the important low code predictions as it enables the low code development which becomes more agile, efficient, and collaborative. Most of the businesses and organisations are adapting agile methodologies such as Kanban and Scrum in their software development lifecycle. To be adopted more widely and rapidly more seamless integration with the other technologies is needed which makes agile development to prioritise collaboration, delivery and continuous integration.

5. Low-Code Expansion to Complex Applications

This is a new trend in low code development which is related to expanding the capability to handle the development of complex applications. Earlier it was known for its ability to build simple applications but now it is known for its increase in development of more powerful and complex applications and complex projects. This comes from the evolution of advancements in the underlying architecture which allows the software developers to address complex businesses , enterprise level projects and meet the specific requirements of industries.

6. Increase in Adoption by Large Enterprises

To accept and adopt this trend the providers should be more emphasised on the scalability and the enterprise grade capabilities and to solve those challenges which are halting the use of the ecosystem in the large companies and businesses. Large enterprises are more worried about the scalability and the security which needs to be adopted. From Gartner, organisations are increasingly in demand for the fulfilment of the growing demand of the software applications delivery and the highly customised automation workflows.

7. Performance and Scalability

Scalability and Performance are the most important in the field of software development which helps the organisations to accommodate the increase in demand of the application which evolves and expands without any disruption. To fulfil enterprise level requirements they need to invest in the architecture and robust infrastructure to support these applications.

For the businesses and organisations to accept the mass adoption with the low code they need to develop complex applications using the technologies in addition to the workloads to make sure about the optimal performance.

8. Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Tools Integration

The integration of business intelligence tools and data analytics is one of the most important low code trends which has become more insightful, impactful and data driven. This integration is used to visualise and analyse, make driven decisions and identify patterns. With the integration of these tools which provides citizen developers with the tools and the requirements they need to create applications that leverage analytics and data which provides valuable insights and value.

9. Focused on User Experience

This trend is aligned with the better understanding of the success of an application which is totally determined by the functionality and the quality of the user interface. Therefore it is important and also an organisation needs to have a better user experience which allows the employees to complete their business tasks.

10. Cloud-Native Low-Code Development

The cloud native low code platforms are gaining traction as the businesses and organisations embrace the cloud based on the infrastructure. These types of cloud native low code platforms provide the advantage of scalability, cost efficiency and elasticity which initially make them a great choice for the cloud-first organisations.


These Low-code trends are rapidly changing the landscape of software development by empowering the organisations and the businesses of all sizes. The low-code trends make it easier for the businesses to develop the custom applications, improve the response to the market changes and streamline the workflow. Due to these advantages the low code trends have increased. Therefore in this article the Top 10 low code trends in 2024 are mentioned.

10 Low-Code Trends to Watch in 2024 – FAQs

In software development low code trends are used by the software developers to develop the complex applications. These low code trends are used in the organisation and business for its different and useful advantages which helps in the betterment of the business.

There are multiple advantages of low code trends in businesses such as they are cost effective, improves collaboration, effective in risk management, provides better customer experience, provides higher productivity and much more benefits.

Some of the Top 5 Low code trends in 2024 are- Democratisation of development, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Integration, In the Industries adoption of low code, DevOps and Agile methodologies Integration and Low code expansion to complex applications.

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