Logical Problems in Logical Reasoning

Logical Problems in Reasoning: Logical Problems are like captivating puzzles and challenges that test your thinking skills. These Logical problems questions present complex scenarios where you need to find patterns, make logical connections, and come up with precise solutions. Logical Problems come in various forms, from math puzzles that require number skills to creative challenges where you need to think outside the box. They are a great way to improve your critical thinking, boost your brainpower, get better at solving real-life problems and become more efficient at resolving real-life problems through the application of logical reasoning.

In this article, we will provide you with a variety of logical problems and answers. We will also discuss some common strategies for solving logical problems and its explanation as well for better understanding.

Logical Problems with Answers – Solved Examples

Solved Example 1:

Tanya is older than Eric.

Cliff is older than Tanya.

Eric is older than Cliff.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

  • a. true
  • b. false
  • c. uncertain

Answer: b. false

Explanation: If Tanya is older than Eric, and Cliff is older than Tanya, it implies that Eric is younger than Cliff, contradicting the third statement. Therefore, the third statement is false.

Solved Example 2:

In a row of cars, Tina’s car is red.

John’s car is behind Tina’s car.

Katie’s car is in front of John’s car.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

  • a. true
  • b. false
  • c. uncertain

Answer: a. true

Explanation: If Tina’s car is red, and John’s car is behind Tina’s car, it implies that Katie’s car must be in front of both Tina’s and John’s cars for the statements to be true. Therefore, the third statement is true.

Solved Example 3:

All apples in the basket are green.

Some fruits in the basket are apples.

Therefore, some fruits in the basket are green.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

  • a. true
  • b. false
  • c. uncertain

Answer: a. true

Explanation: If all apples in the basket are green, and some fruits in the basket are apples, it logically follows that some fruits in the basket are green. Therefore, the third statement is true.

Solved Example 4:

All students in the class passed the math exam.

Some students in the class failed the science exam.

Therefore, some students in the class failed at least one exam.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

  • a. true
  • b. false
  • c. uncertain

Answer: a. true

Explanation: If all students in the class passed the math exam, and some students in the class failed the science exam, it logically follows that some students in the class failed at least one exam. Therefore, the third statement is true.

Solved Example 5:

John is taller than Alice.

Alice is taller than Bob.

Therefore, John is taller than Bob.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

  • a. true
  • b. false
  • c. uncertain

Answer: a. true

Explanation: If John is taller than Alice, and Alice is taller than Bob, it logically follows that John is taller than Bob. Therefore, the third statement is true.

Solved Example 6:

All triangles have three sides.

This shape has three sides.

Therefore, this shape is a triangle.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

  • a. true
  • b. false
  • c. uncertain

Answer: a. true

Explanation: If all triangles have three sides, and this shape has three sides, it logically follows that this shape is a triangle. Therefore, the third statement is true.

Solved Example 7:

All dogs are mammals.

Some animals in the zoo are dogs.

Therefore, some animals in the zoo are mammals.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

  • a. true
  • b. false
  • c. uncertain

Answer: a. true

Explanation: If all dogs are mammals, and some animals in the zoo are dogs, it logically follows that some animals in the zoo are mammals. Therefore, the third statement is true.

Solved Example 8:

All birds have feathers.

This animal has feathers.

Therefore, this animal is a bird.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

a. true

b. false

c. uncertain

Answer: a. true

Explanation: If all birds have feathers, and this animal has feathers, it logically follows that this animal is a bird. Therefore, the third statement is true.

Solved Example 9:

Some fruits are sweet.

All apples are fruits.

Therefore, some apples are sweet.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

a. true

b. false

c. uncertain

Answer: a. true

Explanation: If some fruits are sweet, and all apples are fruits, it logically follows that some apples are sweet. Therefore, the third statement is true.

Solved Example 10:

All cars have wheels.

Some vehicles have wheels.

Therefore, some vehicles are cars.

If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

a. true

b. false

c. uncertain

Answer: c. uncertain

Explanation: While all cars have wheels, and some vehicles have wheels, it does not necessarily mean that some vehicles are cars. The term “vehicles” is more inclusive and can refer to various types of vehicles, not just cars. Therefore, the third statement is uncertain.

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