Logarithmic Function

Logarithmic functions are the function that represents the inverse of the exponential functions. The functions that include logarithms are called the logarithmic function. Concept of logarithm in mathematics is used for changing multiplication and division problems to problems of addition and subtraction.

In this article, we will learn about logarithmic functions, the domain and range of logarithmic functions, properties of logarithmic functions, logarithmic graphs and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What are Logarithmic Functions?
  • Domain and Range of Logarithmic Functions
  • Logarithmic Graph
  • Properties of Logarithmic Functions
  • Derivative of Logarithmic Functions
  • Integral of Logarithmic Functions

What are Logarithmic Functions?

Logarithmic functions are referred to as the inverse of the exponential function. In other words, the functions of the form f(x) = logbx are called logarithmic functions where b represents the base of the logarithm and b > 0.

Logarithmic functions can be easily converted into exponential functions and vice versa. The formula for converting the logarithmic functions to exponential function is given by:

ax = p ⇔ x = logap

Example of Logarithmic Functions

Some examples of the logarithmic functions are listed below:

  • y(x) = log3 x
  • p(y) = log (y + 6) – 5
  • z(x) = 5ln x

Common Logarithmic Function

Logarithmic function which contains the logarithm of base 10 is called common logarithmic function. The common logarithm is represented as the log10 or log. The common logarithmic function is of the form

f(x) = log10x

Natural Logarithmic Function

Logarithmic function which contains the logarithm of base e is called common logarithmic function. The common logarithm is represented as the loge or ln. The natural logarithmic function is of the form

f(x) = logex

Domain and Range of Logarithmic Functions

Below we will discuss about the domain and range of the logarithmic functions.

Domain of Logarithmic Functions

Domain of the fundamental logarithmic function i.e., y = log x is all the positive real numbers since the logarithmic function is defined for the positive numbers only i.e., x > 0. To find the domain of the other logarithmic functions put the term with log > 0 and find the value of variable.

Domain of the given logarithmic function is given by (value of variable, ∞).

Domain of log x = All Positive Real Numbers


Domain of log x = (0, ∞)

Range of Logarithmic Functions

Range of the logarithmic function is defined by putting the different values of x in the given logarithmic functions. The range of the logarithmic function is set of all real numbers.

Range of Logarithmic function = R (Real Numbers)

In summary:

  • Domain of log function y = log x is x > 0 (or) (0, ∞)
  • Range of any log function is the set of all real numbers (R)

Logarithmic Function​ Graph

We know that, logarithmic functions are the inverse of the exponential functions. So, the graph of both the functions are symmetrical about line y = x. Also, the domain of the logarithmic function log x is set of all the positive real numbers and the range is the set of all real numbers.

Logarithmic graph is plotted with the help of domain and range of the logarithmic function. We find the x- intercept of the logarithmic function and plot the logarithmic graph. The y-intercept of the logarithmic graph is not defined. Graph of both logarithmic function and exponential function is added below:

Properties of Logarithmic Function

The properties of the logarithmic functions help us to solve the logarithmic functions. The several properties of logarithmic functions are listed below:

  • logb1 = 0
  • logb b = 1
  • logb (pq) = logb p + logb q
  • logb (p/q) = logb p – logb q
  • logb px = x logb p
  • logb p = (logc p) / (logc b)

Derivative of Logarithmic Function

The derivative of logarithmic function logex is 1/x. The derivative of the logarithmic function with base ‘a’ i.e., logax is 1 / (x ln a). The formula for derivatives of logarithmic function is given below.

Integral of Logarithmic Function

Integral of logarithmic function is calculated using the ILATE rule. The value of the integral of the logarithmic functions given below.

  • ∫logex dx = x (logex – 1) + C
  • ∫log x dx = x (log x – 1) + C

Examples on Logarithmic Functions

Example 1: Evaluate log 20 – log 2


Let y = log 20 – log 2

Using formula: logb (p/q) = logb p – logb q

y = log (20/ 2)

y = log 10

Using formula: logb b = 1

y = 1

Example 2: Solve: log927 + 5


Let y = log927 + 5

Using formula: logb p = (logc p) / (logc b)

log927 = (log3 27) / (log3 9)

log927 = (log3 33) / (log332)

Using the formula: logb px = x logb p

log927 = 3(log3 3) / 2(log33)

Using formula: logb b = 1

log927 = 3/ 2

Putting above value in y.

y = (3/2) + 5

y = 13/5

Example 3: Find the value of x when log2x + log2(x + 6) = 4.


log2x + log2(x + 6) = 4

Using formula: logb (pq) = logb p + logb q

log2 [x (x + 6)] = 4

Using formula: ax = p ⇔ x = logap

[x (x + 6)] = 24

[x (x + 6)] = 16

x2 + 6x – 16 = 0

x = 2 or – 8

Example 4: Find the domain and range of given logarithmic function y = log (6x – 24) + 7.


y = log (6x – 24) + 7

To find the domain of the given function put 6x – 24 > 0

6x – 24 > 0

6x > 24

x > 4

Domain of the given logarithmic function = (4, ∞)

We know that,

Range of any logarithmic function is set of all real numbers.

Practice Questions on Logarithmic Functions

Q1: Evaluate: log 5 + log 12.

Q2: Solve: 7 log226.

Q3: Find the value of x: log x – log (x – 2) = 10.

Q4: Find the domain and range of given logarithmic function y = log (4x – 12) + 2.

FAQs on Logarithmic Functions

What is the Logarithmic Function?

The function that includes logarithms and represents the inverse of exponential function is called the logarithmic function.

How to Calculate Logarithm?

To calculate logarithm, we can convert the given logarithm into its exponent form using ax = p ⇔ x = logap.

How are Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Related?

Exponential functions and logarithmic functions are related as ax = p ⇔ x = logap.

How to Solve Logarithmic Function?

To solve the logarithmic functions, we use different logarithmic functions properties and logarithmic formulas.

What is the Differentiation Formula for Logarithmic Functions?

Differentiation formula for the logarithmic function loge x is 1/x.

What Is the Range of Logarithmic Functions?

Range of a logarithmic function is from negative infinity to positive infinity.

What Is the Domain of Logarithmic Functions?

Domain of the logarithmic function is the set of all positive real numbers.

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