Log Handling in Objective-C

Objective-C is a programming language commonly used for developing applications on Apple’s macOS, iOS, and iPadOS platforms. One important aspect of programming in Objective-C is handling logs. Logging is the process of recording information about the state of a program or system in a log file, which can be used later for debugging or troubleshooting.

Logging is an important part of any software development process, as it allows developers to track and diagnose issues with their code. In Objective-C, the NSLog() function is the most common way of logging, and it is built into the Cocoa framework. NSLog() function writes a string to the console and to a log file.

Methods of Log Handling in Objective-C

NSLog() function

The NSLog() function is the most basic method for logging in to Objective-C. The NSLog() function is a simple and easy-to-use logging option that is built into the Objective-C runtime. It can be used to log messages with various levels of severity, such as errors, warnings, and information messages. 

The NSLog() function takes a format string as its first argument and a list of variables as additional arguments. The format string can include placeholders, such as %d for integers and %@ for objects, that are replaced with the values of the variables when the log message is printed. It is built into the Cocoa framework and can be used to write a string to the console and to a log file. 


NSLog(@"This is a log message: %@", myString);

In this example, “This is a log message:” is the string that will be written to the console and log file, and “%@” is a placeholder for the variable “myString”. The value of “myString” will be inserted into the string at the “%@” placeholder.

Keywords and concepts related to NSLog():

  • Console: refers to the command-line interface where log messages are displayed.
  • Log file: refers to the file where log messages are stored.
  • String: refers to a sequence of characters.
  • Placeholder: refers to the symbol that tells the NSLog() function to insert a variable value into the log message.

Example 1: Example of using NSLog() to log a message in an Objective-C program:

In this example, we have a main function that declares two variables “x” and “y” and assigns them values. The function then calculates the sum of “x” and “y” and uses the NSLog() function to log the message (assuming x = 5 and y = 10).   


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        int x = 5;
        int y = 10;
        int sum = x + y;
        NSLog(@"The sum of x and y is: %d", sum);
    return 0;



Note: NSLog is a synchronous function, which means that it blocks the execution of the program until the message has been written to the console.


To run this code save this code in a file with the “.m” extension,

For example: 


and then run it in a terminal or command prompt using the “gcc” command, followed by the file name.

For example:

gcc main.m -o main -framework Foundation

This will generate an executable file called main that you can run.

Example 2: Example of using NSLog() to log a message with user input in an Objective-C program:

This program is an example of a simple Objective-C program that uses the NSLog() function to log a message with user input. In this program we use the scanf() function to input a string for the user’s name then we converted it to an NSString object then we then use the scanf() function to input an integer for the user’s age. The program then uses the NSLog() function to log the message.


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        // Input user name
        NSLog(@"Please enter your name:");
        char str[100];
        scanf("%s", str);
        NSString *name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:str];
        // Input user age
        NSLog(@"Please enter your age:");
        int age;
        scanf("%d", &age);
        // Log user name and age
        NSLog(@"The user's name is: %@ and age is: %d", name, age);
    return 0;



Third-party Logging Libraries

Third-party logging libraries such as “CocoaLumberjack” provide more advanced features than NSLog() function. It is a powerful and flexible logging framework for Mac and iOS that provides advanced logging options such as log levels file and console output, and remote logging. It is also designed to be fast and efficient, making it well-suited for use in large or complex projects. CocoaLumberjack has several logging levels like `DDLogError`, `DDLogWarn`, `DDLogInfo`, `DDLogDebug`, and `DDLogVerbose` that can be used to log messages with different log levels and it can be configured to write the logs to a file or console. CocoaLumberjack, for example, allows developers to specify the log level, configure the log output, and perform log file rolling. 


DDLogInfo(@"This is an informational log message");

In this example, “DDLogInfo” is a macro that specifies the log level as “info”, and “This is an informational log message” is the string that will be written to the console and log file. Other macros such as DDLogError and DDLogDebug can be used to specify different log levels.

Keywords and concepts related to third-party logging libraries:

  • Macros: are a type of shorthand notation that can be used to insert a string or a set of instructions into the code.
  • Log level: refers to the severity of the log message, such as “info”, “warning”, or “error”.
  • Configuration: refers to the process of setting up and modifying the settings of a third-party logging library.
  • Log file rolling: refers to the process of creating new log files and deleting old ones, usually when a certain size or number of files is reached.

Example 1: Example of using CocoaLumberjack to log a message in an Objective-C program:

In this example, we have a main function that uses the CocoaLumberjack library to log messages with different levels of severity. The program starts by importing the CocoaLumberjack framework, then it configures the TTY logger to print log messages to the console. Then it uses the DDLogInfo, DDLogWarn, and DDLogError to log messages with different levels of severity respectively.


#import <CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        [DDLog addLogger:[DDTTYLogger sharedInstance]];
        DDLogInfo(@"This is an informational log message");
        DDLogWarn(@"This is a warning log message");
        DDLogError(@"This is an error log message");
    return 0;




The NSLog() function and third-party logging libraries provide different capabilities for logging in Objective-C. NSLog() is simple and easy to use, but has limited functionality, while third-party libraries offer more advanced features but require more setup and configuration. Depending on the complexity and requirements of your project, you can choose the most appropriate method for logging.

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