Lodash _.noop() Method

Lodash _.noop() method is used to return “undefined” irrespective of the arguments passed to it.




This method can take optional parameters of any type.

Return value:

This method returns undefined.

Example 1: In this example, we are storing the undefined value in a variable by the use of the _.noop() method and comparing it to another variable having an undefined value and checking whether both are equal or not.


// Requiring the lodash library 
const _ = require("lodash");
// Use of _.noop() method
let val1 = undefined;
let val2 = _.noop();
if (val1 == val2)
    console.log("val1 and val2 are equal");
    console.log(`val1 and val2 are not equal`);


val1 and val2 are equal

Example 2: In this example, we are creating an array and an object by the use of the _.noop() method and printing their values in the console.


// Requiring the lodash library 
const _ = require("lodash");
// Use of _.noop() method
let obj = new Object(_.noop())
console.log(`Object is ${obj.Object}`)
// Use of _.noop() method 
let arr = new Array(_.noop())
console.log(`Array is ${arr[0]}`)


Object is undefined
Array is undefined

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