Lodash _.inc() Method

Lodash _.inc() Method returns the result by incrementing the given value by 1.


_.inc( value );


This method takes a value and increments it by using _.inc() method.

Return Value:

This method returns the result by incrementing the given value by 1.

Note: This will not work in normal JavaScript because it requires the lodash.js contrib library to be installed. Lodash.js contrib library can be installed using npm install lodash-contrib –save.

Example 1: In this example, the code demonstrates how to use the lodash-contrib library to increment a value by 1 and displays the original and incremented values in the console.


// Defining lodash contrib variable
let _ = require('lodash-contrib');
let val = 100
let incrVal  = _.inc( val );
console.log("The Given value is :", val);
console.log("The Increment of Given value is :", incrVal);


The Given value is : 100
The Increment of Given value is : 101

Example 2: In this example, the code demonstrates how to use the lodash-contrib library to increment a value by 1 and displays the original and incremented values in the console.


// Defining lodash contrib variable
let _ = require('lodash-contrib');
let val = 51
let incrVal  = _.inc( val );
console.log("The Given value is :",val);
console.log("The Increment of Given value is :",incrVal);


The Given value is : 51
The Increment of Given value is : 52

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