Lodash _.get() Method

Uncover the utility of Lodash’s _.get() method, a valuable tool for effortlessly fetching values from object paths in JavaScript. Learn how this function not only retrieves values but also gracefully handles undefined results by offering default replacements. Dive into its capabilities for accessing nested object properties with precision, enhancing code clarity and optimizing performance.

Lodash _.get() method is used to get the value at the path of the object. If the resolved value is undefined, the default value is returned in its place.


_.get(object, path, [defaultValue]);


  • object (Object) parameter holds the object to query.
  • path (Array/String) parameter holds the path of the property to get.
  • defaultValue (*) parameter holds the value returned for undefined resolved values or default values. and it is optional.

Return Value:

This method returns the resolved value

Example 1: In this example, we are accessing the value of an object using the path in the _.get() method

// Requiring the lodash library  
const _ = require("lodash");

// Given object
let object = { 'c': [{ 'python': { 'java': 3 } }] };

// Use of _.get method 
console.log(_.get(object, 'c[0].python.java')); 



Example 2:  In this example, we are accessing the value of an object using the path in the _.get() method but the keys are in a sequential manner

// Requiring the lodash library  
const _ = require("lodash");

// Given object
let object = { 'c': [{ 'python': { 'java': 3 } }] };

// Use of _.get method 
console.log(_.get(object, ['c', '0', 'python', 'java']));



Example 3:  In this example, we are accessing the value of an object using the path in the _.get() method having a defalt value as “default”

// Requiring the lodash library  
const _ = require("lodash");

// Given object
let object = { 'c': [{ 'python': { 'java': 3 } }] };

// Use of _.get method 
console.log(_.get(object, 'c.python.java', 'default'));



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