LocalTime equals() method in Java with Examples

The equals() method of a LocalTime class is used to compare this LocalTime object to the LocalTime passed as parameter and returns true when objects are equal else false. The comparison between both LocalTimes is based on timeline position of the local times within a day. The value to be returned by this method is determined as follows:

  • if both LocalTimes are equal, then true is returned
  • if both instances are not equal, then false is returned


public int equals(Object obj)

Parameters: This method accepts a single parameter object which is the other LocalTime to be compared, and it should not be null.

Return Value: This method returns the int value and returned value is determined as follows:

  • if both LocalTimes are equal, then true is returned
  • if both instances are not equal, then false is returned

Below programs illustrate the equals() method:

Program 1: When both objects are equal.

// Java program to demonstrate
// LocalTime.equals() method
import java.time.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // create a LocalTime Objects
        LocalTime time1 = LocalTime.parse("13:08:00");
        LocalTime time2 = LocalTime.parse("13:08:00");
        // print  Values
        System.out.println("LocalTime1: "
                           + time1);
        System.out.println("LocalTime2: "
                           + time2);
        // compare both LocalTimes
        boolean value = time1.equals(time2);
        // print results
        System.out.println("Are both LocalTimes are equal: "
                           + value);


LocalTime1: 13:08
LocalTime2: 13:08
Are both LocalTimes are equal: true

Program 2: When both objects are not equal.

// Java program to demonstrate
// LocalTime.equals() method
import java.time.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // create a LocalTime Objects
        LocalTime time1 = LocalTime.parse("03:18:23");
        LocalTime time2 = LocalTime.parse("13:08:20");
        // print values
        System.out.println("LocalTime1: "
                           + time1);
        System.out.println("LocalTime2: "
                           + time2);
        // compare both LocalTimes
        boolean value = time1.equals(time2);
        // print results
        System.out.println("Are both LocalTimes are equal: "
                           + value);


LocalTime1: 03:18:23
LocalTime2: 13:08:20
Are both LocalTimes are equal: false

Reference: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/time/LocalTime.html#equals(java.lang.Object)

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