Localization Testing

Localization Testing is a type of software testing that is performed to verify the quality of a product for a specific culture or locale. Localization testing is performed only on the local version of the product.

Localization testing ensures that the application is capable enough to be used in that specific region. It tests the user interface, language vocabulary, currency format, date & time format for that specific country only.

For example, QQ is a social media platform specifically designed for the chinese people. It supports language chinese and every other aspects in a specific way.

Features of Localization Testing:

  • Localized user interface:
    It tests the user interface is affected by local. In order it can be said that the user interface is designed in such a way that it is comfortable for specific people.
  • Localized content:
    Different contents that are in-built in the application are according to the local culture and the test is performed to check whether it is comfortable for locals.
  • Specific Language:
    Test is performed to check the language supported by the application in order to know the software’s compatibility with the language of the specific region.
  • Hardware Compatibility:
    Hardware compatibility test is performed to test the compatibility of the software and the hardware toward the specific region.

Localization Testing Process:

  • Setup the test environment:
    First of all testing environment is set up in order to perform a good quality testing process. This helps in getting the good quality software testing process.
  • Choose the product:
    Choose the product for which the localization testing is going to be performed. This leads to the testing being the product oriented.
  • Generate Script:
    The script according to the local and the specific culture the script is generated. For example, for a US specific application language is set to the English.
  • Comparison:
    Now the inbuilt attribute and the local attributes are compared to check the software’s quality. For example, the user interface or language is compared with specific region’s correspondence.
  • Analysis and Result:
    After the comparison testing process is analysed whether it was successful or not. Also the result is submitted to the developing team regarding different aspects of the application.

Localization Testing Life Cycle:

Advantages of Localization Testing:

  • Localization testing reduces the overall testing cost.
  • Localization testing reduces the overall support cost.
  • It helps in reducing the time for testing.
  • Localization testing has more flexibility and scalability.

Disadvantages of Localization Testing:

  • Localization testing requires a local expert to perform it.
  • It is expensive to have the local translator.
  • There might be schedule challenges for the tester.

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