Locale.Builder build() method in Java with Examples

The build() method of java.util.Locale.Builder class in Java is used to build a Locale from the values specified to this Locale.Builder instance. This method returns a Locale instance after building it.


public Locale build()

Parameter: This method do not accept any parameter.

Return Type: This method returns an Locale instance with the values set to this Locale.Builder.

Exception: This method do not throw any exception.

Program 1:

// Java program to demonstrate
// the above method
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Locale.*;
public class LocaleBuilderDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating a new Locale.Builder
        Locale.Builder localeBuilder
            = new Builder();
        // setting the locale of Locale.Builder
        Locale locale = Locale.FRANCE;
        System.out.println("Setting the Locale: "
                           + locale);
        // Displaying Locale.Builder
        System.out.println("LocaleBuilder: "
                           + localeBuilder);
        // Building the Locale from Locale.Builder
        System.out.println("Building the Locale.");
        Locale builtLocale = localeBuilder.build();
        // Displaying Locale.Builder
        System.out.println("Built Locale: "
                           + builtLocale);


Setting the Locale: fr_FR
LocaleBuilder: java.util.Locale$Builder@232204a1
Building the Locale.
Built Locale: fr_FR

Program 2:

// Java program to demonstrate
// the above method
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Locale.*;
public class LocaleBuilderDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating a new Locale.Builder
        Locale.Builder localeBuilder
            = new Builder();
        // setting the locale of Locale.Builder
        Locale locale = Locale.ENGLISH;
        System.out.println("Setting the Locale: "
                           + locale);
        // Displaying Locale.Builder
        System.out.println("LocaleBuilder: "
                           + localeBuilder);
        // Building the Locale from Locale.Builder
        System.out.println("Building the Locale.");
        Locale builtLocale = localeBuilder.build();
        // Displaying Locale.Builder
        System.out.println("Built Locale: "
                           + builtLocale);


Setting the Locale: en
LocaleBuilder: java.util.Locale$Builder@232204a1
Building the Locale.
Built Locale: en

Reference: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java/util/Locale.Builder.html#build–

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