Livspace Interview Experience for Interior Designer (Gurugram)

Pre-Interview Preparations: There is a very common said ” first impression is the last impression ! ” and when you have to stand among the crowds, well dressing is a must !, especially when it is a huge opportunity to work with a Unicorn company that is all about designing and creative instincts. You should carry a well-organized portfolio of past works.

Tip: the cover page of the portfolio should be neat and catchy to the eye ) along with multiple copies of your Resume.

Your Folio should not be too detailed as the interviewer just goes through the pages very quickly, it should be limited to quality work with big and readable details of the maps, drawings with readable dimensions, and text sizes.

Stationary: being in an architectural, designer background one should always carry a Pen of different colors, a pencil, a scale, and an eraser along with a Notepad or dairy ( Tip to save: carry A4 sheets, a notepad will also work but A4 sheets look more professional )

Carry your ID cards ( any type of identity card such as Aadhaar, PAN, License, etc. ) as if you get selected they ask for it the very same day

You have to keep handy your other Documents such as 10th & 12th mark sheets, previous company’s salary slip and offer letter in any format digital or hard copy, as if you get selected the ask for it the very same day ( it just saves any delay because if you delay in submitting in a given number of days then someone else got shortlisted so better keep everything for any kind of interview )

Give a little Research about the company its origin and the basic work they do on their website.

Time is precious so don’t waste and be present on the allotted scheduled time after conforming from HR in any of your interviews and slay!

Interview: I went to the office at my scheduled time and handed over my resume to one of the HR who called me, she handed me over a very detailed form about my details ( that’s why told you to keep the pen, many other people were asking for a pen to fill the form making their time delayed to start the rounds)

I submitted that form then HR handed me over another set of papers which were of MCQ test. The whole experience comprises of 4 no. of Rounds :

  • MCQ Test (2 numbers )
  • Portfolio Round (Conducted by a manager )
  • situation-based reasoning Round (Conducted by the manager and main designer )
  • Voila! The HR round

MCQ Test (Time limit: 40 to 60 minutes for 200 questions ): The first round was divided into two series 1st has one set of MCQ papers containing 100 questions including the aptitude, logic & design output questions. Some of the questions were based on optical illusions about lines and geometry, some are like puzzles to find missing geometry or number. The basic motto for this short time limit and those puzzle/riddle-like questions were to see the focus of a person. Questions were tricky but not difficult, the level of the questions was the same as those we have given for NIFT or any other creativity-based competition. The sooner you complete your 1st test and submit they had you another set of 100 questions based on your architectural and interior knowledge about materials durability, the hierarchy of woods or laminates, etc. ( As the company sells modular so mostly questions about building materials and surfaces )

Some questions were based on plumbing and electrical too, which were basic that we had studied in our bachelor’s courses.

Tip: Divide the time to each question don’t prolong much on the 1st set as the 2nd set is a level up in difficulty, leave questions you don’t know, as it has minus markings, and focus on details in output questions.

I was the first in my room to submit my tests, the team of people evaluated them and by the time I have submitted my 2nd set, I have the desired numbers to get selected for the next round against 30 people in that shift, then I was told to wait for 15minutes then there was next round to face.

The Portfolio Round:

  • I was told to present my portfolio and previous works to the Manager under which if I got selected I will have to work.
  • I had a personal face-to-face interview with the manager in a cabin full of stationaries and whiteboards.
  • The manager did catch by my handmade cover page of the folio and asked about my concept on that and appreciated, then he turned the pages but remained silent so I took the opportunity to explain my designs and drawings from the respective pages that he was turning.
  • We had quite a detailed talk on my research work on bar modules and contemporary furniture designs that I did for a Penthouse in Gurugram itself.
  • Then he gave me a few random technical terms to write down on the whiteboard, then I have to rewrite them concerning its timeline example he told me to write – plumbing, painting, punning, pop, demolition, electrical, etc. have completed my task.
  • He did try to confuse me with what I have completed seeing if I know the answers or if I could get influenced, but I do have my logical reasoning why I have made those series on that whiteboard
  • He also asked me about types of wood how it has been made which are durable and which is not and why?
  • He keep on asking me about the market rates of particular materials which I did not remember at that time as I have never handled BOQ in my past companies, I told him that I don’t remember the rates it all differentiates but gave a guess ( LIV SPACE has their rate list so I got saved on rates ! )

Tip: Interview try to see your confidence as this field is all about communication and practical knowledge so just answer what you know for sure else you can stay honest and ask them that you are unaware.

Maybe my answers or attitude were correct! , I have never asked my manager what in particular got me till the next round, I was told to wait for another 15 minutes then was called to their experience center full of clients and demonstrations.

Situation-based Reasoning Round:

  • This might be a funny name of the round but I have never told any name of the round just told to meet two persons waiting in the center for me.
  • It is like a Play or pretending game, I was given a situation where the girl ( manager of another team as well as the main designer) has to act like a client with different behaviors like annoying, adamant, confused, and many questions asking.
  • I have to handle them, first, she told me to convince her what’s good in that particular demo designed space with luxury as a concept than the other demo design with the chic concept, I told her ( client ) my points then she gave me another situation where I have to do the opposite that means I have to convince her that why this is not good for her and other is.
  • Then she presented a broken tile and I have to tell her why it is good to use and sell that to her being a client even if the crack is visible.
  • Then I had a F2F questioning with her about my reason to join the organization etc.

Tip: Notice every detail while the interviewer is explaining the task as you will not have time to think of the points you have to be coming naturally, I know it is very fast and multi-tasking but take a deep breathe and speak anything and keep on speaking!

I tried my best to fit into both situations, it is all about your conceptual knowledge and presenting sense with a happy and confident face. Although that was not part of my job still they test our senses and communication, and the situation was handled through that. I was told to wait in a huge conference area where HR was about to interview me face to face.

HR Round :

  • The HR came into the conference room for the final round which is mostly a formality
  • She asked me about my personal goals and the reason I want to work in the company and if I know anything about the company, why I am leaving the previous one.
  • Then she came to the salary finalization and negotiations and asked me about my previous salary slips etc.
  • With a few here and there we finally got settled in my desired number of digits and I was asked to join the company after serving my notice period on the previous one as a role of a senior interior designer.

I had a very tedious ( as I don’t know about the rounds and also not expecting to get in ) but the great experience of my interview it was all a sum up of serendipity and my practical knowledge of the field and keenness to always learn more got me into this, but most of all I was just being me not being anyone else for the sake of the job!

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