List remove(Object obj) method in Java with Examples

The remove(Object obj) method of List interface in Java is used to remove the first occurrence of the specified element obj from this List if it is present in the List.


boolean remove(Object obj)

Parameters: It accepts a single parameter obj of List type which represents the element to be removed from the given List.

Return Value: It returns a boolean value True after removing the first occurrence of the specified element from the List and otherwise if the element is not present in the List then this method will return False.

Below program illustrate the remove(Object obj) method of List in Java:

Program 1:

// Program to illustrate the
// remove(int index) method
import java.util.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Declare an empty List of size 5
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(5);
        // Add elements to the list
        // Element to be removed
        String obj = "for";
        // Initial list
        System.out.println("Initial List: " + list);
        // remove element
        // Final list
        System.out.println("Final List: " + list);


Initial List: [5.0, 10.5, 15.1, 20.6, 25.2]
Final List: [5.0, 10.5, 20.6, 25.2]

Program 2:


Initial List: [Welcome, to, Beginner, for, Beginner]
Final List: [Welcome, to, Beginner, Beginner]

Note: Be careful while using a List of integers as while passing an integer element to the remove method, the list will treat the method as remove(int index). It will consider the element as index and not actual element.


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