List of Seaports in China

China has a great network of sea ports. Shanghai is the top and largest port in China. There are 34 big ports established in China and more than two thousand small ports are built in China. In the growth of the economy, the seaports play a very crucial role, as most of the work of exports and imports take place through ships in seaports. Shanghai Port holds the first position to be one of the busiest ports from around the globe. 

Ningbo-Zhoushan is recognized as one of the oldest and largest seaports in this nation. It was built in 1738. Beijing and the Communist Party of China, mainly operate these major seaports. Most of the investments in these ports are done by the big companies who make major revenue in China. Let’s discuss the list of seaports in China.

List of Top 10 Seaports in China

S. No.





Shanghai Port




Ningbo Zhoushan Port




Shenzhen Port




Qingdao Port




Guangzhou Port


214 BC


Tianjin Port




Xiamen Port




Beibuwan Port




Rizhao Port




Lianyungang Port



Top 10 Seaports in China

Sea ports are the locations where ships are parked and loading and unloading of different goods and products from other countries take place. The main work is the importing and exporting of goods through water transport. Most of the cities in China have a port nearby. Seaports are very important for any nation. 

Let us discuss the top 10 Seaports in China

Tenth Top Seaports in China – Lianyungang

The tenth rank among the top seaports in China is grabbed by Lianyungang port. This seaport comes among the four ports which were constructed at the time of Qing Dynasty. The government of that time constructed this port. The main purpose was to do foreign trading at that time, to enhance the trading of goods.  

  • The port is found alongside the very renowned river of China, which is Yellow Sea.
  • The official locode of the port is CNLYG and this is also by another name which is Lian Yun Gang.

Ninth Top Seaport in China – Rizhao

Rizhao is the ninth top seaport in China. The seaport is a natural deep sea water port. The original name of the Rizhao port is Shijiu port. The port contains around 46 deep water berths. 

  • 1982 was the time when the port was established in the Shandong province of China.
  • The imports of the different goods like cement, wood, chemicals, oxides, and others are done through this port. 
  • The operations and the shipping of products in the port was started after four years of its construction, that is, 1986. 

Eighth Top Seaport in China – Beibuwan Port

The eighth top seaport in China is Beibuwan. The port is officially operated by the Guangxi Beibu Bay International Port Groups. The port comes under this type of harbor, which is named as coastal natural deep-water and offshore terminal. The port is also recognized as the Beibu Gulf Port Co Ltd.

  • The sea port was established in 1989 and is situated in the Guangxi region of China. 
  • The seaport handles around 4.63 million of the TEUs per year. 
  • The port mainly imports natural resources, including different types of oils like crude oil and vegetable oil, different ores, bitumen, and other things. 

Seventh Top Seaport in China – Xiamen Port

Xiamen port is put up in the seventh position in the list of most sea ports of China. The port is owned by the Xiamen Port Authority. The authority works under the Municipal Government of Xiamen. The port has around twelve small portions and contains 9 container terminals. 

  • 1843 was the year when the port was constructed and located in the Fujian province of China.. 
  • The port comes under the Maritime Silk Road of the 21st century and has 74 berths. 
  • The port handles around 12 million of the TEUs per year and it also handles around 191 million of the cargo. 

Sixth Top Seaport in China – Tianjin Port

Tianjin port holds the sixth position in the top seaport in China. The other name used to recognise this port is Tanggu port. The port is operated by the Tianjin Port Group Ltd. After the 2020 reports were released, it gave the information that the port handled more than 20 million of the TEUs.  

  • 1860 was the year, when the port was constructed in the Tianjin province of China and was formed in 1860. 
  • The port works on environmental reforms. 
  • The port is operated by the very well known authority, the Tianjin State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. 

Fifth Top Seaport in China – Guangzhou Port

The fifth top sea port in China is Guangzhou Port. The port acts as the transportation center of the delta of the Pearl River. The port has its significance from a long time back, from during the time of Qing Dynasty. The port is owned by the Guangzhou Port Group Co. Ltd. 

  • The port was established in 214 BC and is located in Guangdong region in China.
  • The port has served for several years as the port used for trading, named as the “Silk Road on the Sea”.
  • The port was under the list of most busiest ports in China, at the time of Ming Dynasty as well as during the time of Qing Dynasty. 

Fourth Top Seaport in China – Qingdao Port

Qingdao port is considered to be the fourth top seaport of China. The port is situated on the banks of a very well known river of China named the Yellow River. The name of the port’s terminal is QQCT which states that Qingdao Qianwan Container Terminal. 

  • The port is said to be settled in the year 1949 and is located in the Shandong region of China. 
  • The Qingdao port consists of 4 small areas, which are considered as the ports. 

Third Top Seaport in China – Shenzhen Port

The third position in the top seaport of China is taken by Shenzhen Port. There are a total of 560 ships in the port. The port consists of six small ports within it. This comes under the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road which is considered as an initiative by the government of China to increase the investments. 

  • The port is owned by the Government of Shenzhen. 
  • The port was founded in 1980 and is situated in the Guangdong region of China. 
  • There are 40 big companies, who have established around 132 of the container routes. There all the work of export and import is done via this sea port. 

Second Top Seaport in China – Ningbo Zhoushan Port

The second top seaport found in China is named as the Ningbo Zhoushan Port, which is located in the Zhejiang region of China. The port owns and also operates most of the deep water berths in the mainland of China. The port consists of around 191 berths from which 36 of the berths are deep water berths. 

  • The port was founded in 1738 and is considered to be the oldest seaport of China.
  • The port handles around 28.72 million of the TEUs and around 1.17 billion tons of the cargo every year. 
  • The infrastructure of the port is considered to be very modern and good. 
  • Ningbo Zhoushan Port Co. Ltd owns the port. 

Top Seaport in China – Shanghai Port

Singhani port is considered to be the first rank holder in the list of top seaports in China. The port is said to be the world’s busiest port. The port is owned by the public. The port is also known by the name SIPG. 19 terminals along with around 125 docks are available in the port. 

  • 1842 was the year when this port was formed and was established in the Shanghai province of China. 
  • The port is operated by Shanghai International Port Company Ltd.
  • The annual container volume of the port is around 45 million and it handles around 47 million of TUEs of cargo every year. 

Conclusion – Top Seaports in China

The largest port in China is named Shanghai port. China has a good variety of sea ports as the nation is enriched with a number of rivers including Pearl River, Yellow Sea, and many more. A good number of the goods are exported and imported from other big nations. In this article we have mentioned the top seaports present in China.

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FAQs on List of Seaports in China

What is the largest seaport in China?

Shanghai port is the largest seaport in China.

What rank is Shenzhen port?

Shenzhen Port ranks 4th globally and 3rd in China.

What are the three largest ports in China?

The three largest ports are mentioned below:

  • Port of Shanghai
  • Port of Ningbo-Zhoushan
  • Port of Shenzhen

What is the world’s largest port?

Shanghai Port is an international seaport near the Yangtze River.

What is the smallest port in the world?

Depoe Bay is the world’s smallest natural navigable harbor.

What is the Port of Shanghai called?

The Port of Shanghai is also called SIGP (code CN SGH).

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