List of Physics Formulas

Physics is a fundamental branch of science that studies matter, its fundamental constituents, and its motion and behavior through space and time. Physics Formulas are very important during applications of various concepts of physics.

In this article, we will cover all important formulas related to physics ranging from mechanics to electromagnetism as well as thermodynamics and quantum mechanics.

List of all Physics Formula

Below is the list of all important formulas related to physics:

Physics Formulas


Frequency Formula

F = v/λ

Kinetic Energy Formula

E = 1/2 mv2

Ohm’s Law Formula

V = I × R

Pressure Formula

P = F/A

Weight Formula

W = mg

Newton’s Second Law

F = m × a

Power Formula

P = W/t

Density Formula

P = m/V

Acceleration Formula

a = v – u/t

Average Speed Formula

S = d/t

Pendulum Formula

T = 2π√L/g

Fahrenheit Formula

F = (9/5 × °C) + 32

Work Formula

W = F × d × cosθ

Torque Formula

T = F × r × sinθ

Displacement Formula

ΔX = Xf–Xi

Mass Formula

F = m × a or m = F/a

Amplitude Formula

x = A sin (ωt + ϕ)

Tension Formula

T = mg + ma

Surface Charge Density Formula

σ = q / A

Linear Speed Formula

V(linear speed) = ΔS/ΔT

Position Formula

Δx = x2 − x1

Heat of Fusion Formula

q = m × ΔHF

Gravity Formula

F α m1m2/r2

Spring Potential Energy Formula

P.E = 1/2 k × x2

Physics Kinematics Formula

v2 = vo2 + 2a(x – xo)

DC Voltage Drop Formula

V = I × R

Hubble’s Law Formula

v = Hor

Induced Voltage Formula

e = – N(dΦB/dt)

Latent Heat Formula

L = Q / M

Wavelength Formula

λ = v/f

Gravitational Force Formula

F = G(m1m2)/R2

Potential Energy Formula

PE = mgh

Strain Energy Formula

U = Fδ / 2

Friction Force Formula

f = μN

Cell Potential Formula

Ecell = Ecathode − Eanode

Shear Modulus Formula

(shear stress)/(shear strain) = (F/A)/(x/y)

Water Pressure Formula

Water pressure = ρ g h

Refractive Index Formula

n = c/v

Centroid Formula

C = [(x1 + x2 + x3)/ 3, (y1 + y2 + y3)/ 3]

Mechanics Formulas

Few important mechanics formulas are given below:

Newton’s Second Law of Motion

F = m × a


  • F is the force applied to an object,
  • m is the mass of the object,
  • a is the acceleration of the object.

Work-Energy Theorem



  • W is the work done on an object,
  • ΔKE is the change in kinetic energy.

Kinetic Energy

KE = 1/2mv2


  • KE is the kinetic energy,
  • m is the mass of the object,
  • v is the velocity of the object.

Potential Energy (Gravitational)

PE = mgh


  • PE is the potential energy,
  • m is the mass,
  • g is the acceleration due to gravity,
  • h is the height.

Hooke’s Law (Spring Force)

Fs = −kx


  • Fs is the spring force,
  • k is the spring constant,
  • x is the displacement from the equilibrium position.

Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

F = G ⋅ m1 ⋅ m2 / r2


  • F is the gravitational force between two masses,
  • G is the gravitational constant,
  • m1 and m2 are the masses,
  • r is the distance between the centers of the masses.

Kinematics Formulas

Below are some important kinematics formulas:

Displacement (s)

s = ut + 1/2 at2


  • s is the displacement.
  • u is the initial velocity
  • a is the acceleration,
  • t is the time.

Final Velocity(v)

v = u+ at


  • v is the final velocity,
  • u is the initial velocity,
  • a is the acceleration,
  • t is the time.

Kinematic Third Equation of Motion

v2 = u2 + 2as


  • v is the final velocity,
  • u is the initial velocity,
  • a is the acceleration,
  • s is the displacement.

Average Velocity (v)

v = Δx / Δt


  • v is the average velocity.
  • Δx is the displacement.
  • Δt is the time interval.

Acceleration (a)

a = Δv /Δt


a is the acceleration.

Δv is the change in velocity.

Δt is the time interval.

Electricity Formulas

Few important electricity formulas are given below:

Electric Current (I)

I = Q/t


  • I is the electric current (measured in Amperes, A).
  • Q is the charge that passes through a given point.
  • t is the time taken.

Electric Charge (Q)

Q = I × t


  • Q is the electric charge (measured in Coulombs, C).
  • I is the electric current.
  • t is the time taken.

Ohm’s Law

V = IR


  • V is the voltage,
  • I is the current,
  • R is the resistance.


P = VI


  • P is the power,
  • I is the current,
  • V is the voltage.


R = ρl / A


  • R is the resistance,
  • ρ is resistivity,
  • l is length, and
  • A is area

Watt’s Law

P = I²R or P = V²/R


  • R is the resistance,
  • I is Current, and
  • V is Voltage

Electric Energy

 P = W x T


  • P is power,
  • W is energy, and
  • T is time


V = E / Q


  • E is energy, and
  • Q is charge

Electromagnetism Formulas

Important Electromagnetism Formulas are given below:

Electric Field (E)

E = F/q


  • E is the electric field.
  • F is the force experienced by the charge.
  • q is the magnitude of the charge.

Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction

ε = dΦ/dt


  • ε is the induced EMF.
  • Φ is the magnetic flux through the loop.
  • t is time.

Magnetic Force on a Moving Charge

F = qvBsinθ


  • F is the magnetic force,
  • q is the charge,
  • v is the velocity,
  • B is the magnetic field strength,
  • θ is the angle between v and B.

Gauss’ Law for Electric Field

Φ = q/εo


  • εo is the electric permittivity of free space
  • Φ is the magnetic flux through the loop.
  • q is the net charge enclosed by the surface.

Electric Potential (Voltage)

V = W/q


  • V is the electric potential (voltage).
  • W is the electric potential energy.
  • q is the charge.

Optics Formulas

Few important optics formula are:

Snell’s Law (Refraction)

n1 sinθ1 = n2 sinθ2


  • n1 incident index
  • n2 refracted index
  • θ1 incident angle
  • θ2 refracted angle

Lens Formula

1/f = 1/v – 1/u


  • f is the focal length of the lens,
  • u is the object distance,
  • v is the image distance.

Magnification for Lenses

m = −v/u


  • m is the magnification,
  • v is the image distance,
  • u is the object distance.

Magnifying Power

M = 1 + d/f


  • M is the magnifying power
  • f is the focal distance
  • d is the distance between the object and the lens

Thin Lens Formula

1/f = 1/i + 1/o


  • f is the focal length.
  • i is the image distance.
  • o is the object distance.

Sound Formulas

Important sound formulas are given below:

Speed of Sound

v = √(B/p)


  • v is the speed of sound,
  • B is the bulk modulus of the medium,
  • ρ is the density of the medium.

Wavelength (λ)

λ = v/f


  • λ is Wavelength
  • v is Speed of sound
  • f is Frequency of the sound wave

Frequency (f)

f = v / λ


f is Frequency

v is Speed of sound

λ is Wavelength

Acoustic Impedance (Z)

Z = ρ × c


  • Z is Acoustic impedance
  • ρ is Density of the medium
  • c is Speed of sound in the medium

Fluid Mechanics Formulas

Few important formulas related to fluid mechanics are:


ρ = mV


  • ρ is density of fluid
  • m is mass, and
  • v is volume


P = F/A


  • P is the pressure of the fluid,
  • F is applied Force,
  • A is area

Pressure at a Depth h in a Fluid of Constant Density

p = po + ρgh


  • p is pressure at height h
  • po is the pressure at the fluid’s surface,
  • ρ is the density of the fluid,
  • g is the acceleration due to gravity, and
  • h is the depth to which the object is submerged


η = FL/vA


  • η is fluid viscosity
  • F is force
  • L is distance between the plates
  • V is constant velocity
  • A is area of the plate

Pascal’s Law

F = PA


  • F is applied Force
  • P is Pressure, and
  • A is area under cross-section.

Reynolds Number (Re)

Re = pvL/μ


  • ρ is the density of the fluid.
  • v is the velocity of the fluid.
  • L is a characteristic length (e.g., diameter of the pipe).
  • μ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid.

Thermodynamics formulas

Important thermodynamics formulas are illustrated below:

First Law of Thermodynamics (Energy Conservation)

ΔU = Q − W


  • ΔU is the change in internal energy,
  • Q is the heat added to the system,
  • W is the work done by the system.

Work Done in Isothermal Process (Ideal Gas)

W = nRTln(Vf/Vi)


  • W is the work done,
  • n is the number of moles of gas,
  • R is the ideal gas constant,
  • T is the temperature,
  • Vf is the final volume,
  • Vi is the initial volume.

Heat Transfer (Constant Pressure)

Q = nCp ΔT


  • Q is the heat added or removed,
  • n is the number of moles of gas,
  • Cp is the specific heat at constant pressure,
  • ΔT is the change in temperature.

Ideal Gas Law

PV = nRT


  • P is the pressure of the gas.
  • V is the volume of the gas.
  • n is the number of moles of gas.
  • R is the gas constant.
  • T is the temperature of the gas.

Entropy Change

ΔS = Q/T


  • ΔS is the change in entropy.
  • Q is the heat.
  • T is the temperature.

Gibbs Free Energy



  • ΔG is the change in Gibbs free energy,
  • ΔH is the change in enthalpy,
  • ΔS is the change in entropy, and
  • T is the absolute temperature

Wave Formulas

Important formulas related to wave are described below:

Wave Velocity (v)

v = f × λ


  • v = Wave velocity (in meters per second, m/s)
  • f = Frequency of the wave (in Hertz, Hz)
  • λ = Wavelength of the wave (in meters, m)

Frequency (f)

f = 1/T


  • f = Frequency (in Hertz, Hz)
  • T = Time period of one wave cycle (in seconds, s)

Wavelength (λ)

λ = v/f


  • λ = Wavelength (in meters, m)
  • v = Wave velocity (in meters per second, m/s)
  • f = Frequency (in Hertz, Hz)

Period (T)

T = 1/f


  • T = Period (in seconds, s)
  • f = Frequency (in Hertz, Hz)

Intensity (I)

I = P/A


  • P is the power
  • A is the area.

Physics Formulas List

Vernier Calliper

Elastic Collision Formula

Acceleration-Time Graph

Wheatstone Bridge

Tangential Acceleration Formula

Projectile Motion

Inductance Formula

Newton’s law of cooling

Coefficient of Static friction Formula

Stoke’s Law

Angle between two vector Formula

Displacement Current

Heat Transfer Formulas

Resonant Frequency Formula

Gravitational Force

Normal Force Formula

Magnetic Field in a Solenoid

Mechanical Energy Formula

Angular Speed Formula

Relation between Frequency and Wavelength

Signal to noise ratio Formula

Air Resistance Formula

Lens Maker’s Formula

Wind Energy Formula

Angular Momentum

Resistance in Series and Parallel Combinations

Simple Harmonic Motion

Laws of Conservation of Momentum

Newton’s Third Law of Motion

Charge Density Formula

Radio Waves

Propagation Constant Formula

Current Density

Dynamic Viscosity Formula

Thermal Energy Formula

Surface Charge Density Formula

Time Dilation Formula

Heat of Reaction Formula

Current Density Formula

Tangential Velocity Formula

Induced Voltage Formula

Circular Velocity Formula

Spherical Capacitor Formula

Terminal Velocity Formula

Coefficient of Performance Formula

Surface Energy Formula

Relative Velocity Formula

Heat of Solution Formula

Linear Speed Formula

Energy of Wave Formula

Resistivity Formula

Electric Charge Formula

Cylindrical Capacitor Formula

Flow Rate Formula

Tension Formula

Resistors in Parallel Formula

Energy Level Formula

RC Circuit Frequency Variation

Transformer Formula

Net Force Formula

Drag Force Formula

Energy Density Formula

Speed Time Distance Formula

Heat Input Formula

Heat Rate Formula

Diffraction Grating Formula

Kinematic Viscosity Formula

Force of Attraction Formula

Power Factor Formula for Single Phase

EMF Formula

Capacitive Reactance Formula

Angular Velocity Formula

Heat Index Formula

Initial Velocity Formula

Strain Formula

Emissive Power Formula

Snell’s Law Formula

Brownian Motion Formula

Sound Pressure Level Formula

Banking of Road Formula

Amplitude Formula

Magnetic Declination Formula

Wave Velocity Formula

Water Pressure Formula

Heat Release Rate Formula

Light Waves and Color Formula

Moment Formula

Heat Flux Formula

Equivalent Resistance Formula

Heat Conduction Formula

Heat Loss Formula

Energy Momentum Formula

Bulk Modulus Formula

Work Done by Gravity Formula

Wavelength Formula

Radiation Pressure Formula

Efficiency Formula

Critical Velocity Formula

Voltage Divider Formula

Spring Force Formula

Doppler Shift Formula

Strain Energy Formula

Wavelength to Frequency Formula

Angular Displacement Formula

Average Speed Formula

Friction Formula

Pressure Drop Formula

Centripetal Force Formula 

Conservation of Energy Formula

Deceleration Formula

Intensity Formula

Frequency Formula

Temperature Conversion Formula

Pressure Drop Formula

Instantaneous Speed Formula

Orbital Velocity Formula

Momentum Formula

Static Electricity Formula

Polarization Formula

Reflection and Ray Model of Light Formula

Length Contraction Formula

Resistance Formula

Stress Formula

Distance Traveled Formula

Instantaneous Velocity Formula

De Broglie Wavelength Formula

Inductive Reactance Formula

Radiant Energy Formula

Absolute Pressure Formula

Static Friction Formula

Average Force Formula

Kelvin To Celsius Formula

Specific Gravity Formula

Sound Intensity Formula

Thermal Expansion Formula

Beam Deflection Formula

Rotational Inertia Formula

Relativistic Mass Formula

Energy Consumption Formula

Stopping Distance Formula

Momentum and its Conservation Formula

Heat Gain Formula

Voltage Drop Formula

Heat Transfer Formula

Electrical Formulas

Heat of Fusion Formula

Lightning Formula

Special Theory of Relativity Formula

Wave Power Formula

Electric Field Formula

Momentum of Photon Formula

Photon Energy Formula

Beat Frequency Formula

Wave Speed Formula

Relativistic Doppler Effect Formula

Mechanical Advantage Formula

Poiseuilles Law Formula

Rotational Kinetic Energy Formula

Weight Formula

Heat Load Formula

DC Voltage Drop Formula

Oscillatory Motion Formula

Heat of Vaporization Formula

Potential Energy Formula

Horsepower Formula

Magnetism Formula

Poiseuilles Law Formula

Friction Loss Formula

Relativity Formula

Dimensional Formula of Potential Energy

Dimensions of Electric Charge

Dimensional Formula of Torque

Solved Examples on Physics Formulas

Example 1: A stretched string has a displacement of 20 cm and a spring constant of 50Nm−1. Calculate the potential energy that the stretched string contains.


The parameters that are given are

k = 50Nm−1

x is equal to 20 cm, or 0.2 m.

Potential energy is what it will be.

P.E. = 1/2 k × x2

P.E =3/4 X 50 × (0.2)2

P.E = 1 J

Example 2: When x is in meters and t is in seconds, a body travels down the x-axis in accordance with the equation x = 1 – 2 t + 3t2. Determine the body’s acceleration at t = 3s.


As we have

x = 1 – 2 t + 3t2 then;

Speed v = dx/dt = d(1 – 2t + 3t2)/dt = −2 + 6t

Now Acceleration a = dv/dt = d(−2+6t)/dt = 6

acceleration when t is 3s = 6 m/s2

Example 3: Determine the weight of an item that weighs 50 kg on Earth.


We know, weight = m × g

w = (50 × 9.8) kg m/s2

w = 490 N

Example 4: A person travels in 10 seconds from Point A to Point B and returns in 8 seconds. Determine the person’s average speed if the distance is 36 meters between A and B.


This distance traveled in total is 36 + 36 = 72 meters.

18 seconds was the total time taken.

Thus, average speed is equal to the total distance traveled divided by total time.

average speed = 72/18 = 4 m/s.

Hence the average speed of the person is 4 m/s.

Example 5: Determine the mass of an object having a kinetic energy of 100J and a velocity of 5 m/s.


We know, KE = ½ mv2.

100 = ½ x m x 5 x 5.

100 = 25 m/2

m = (100 × 2)/25

m = 8 kg

Practice Problems

Problems 1: Determine the displacement that an object traveling at a speed of 60 m/s will cover in 3 seconds.

Problems 2: A 50 cm long, thin rod has an evenly distributed total charge of 5 mC over it. Determine the linear density of charges.

Problems 3: A automobile with a mass of 250 kg is moving at a speed of 10 meters per second. What is the kinetic energy of it?

Problems 4: 400kcal of heat is required for the phase transition of a 2 kilogram material. Calculate the heat it contains latently.

Problems 5: A cube immersed in water with a side length of 0.1 meters and a density of 800 kg/m3. Determine if the cube will sink or float by computing the buoyant force acting on it.

Physics Formulas FAQs

What is the Physics Formula for Distance?

Use the distance formula, d = st, to answer all distance-related questions. Given that they both express a distance in units of time, such as miles or kilometers per hour, the speed and the rate are comparable.

How to learn physics formulas quickly?

The Tips to remember physics formulas are:

  • Go through and become acquainted. We may see that several variables in physics are repeated. For instance, the variable r, or R, is used to represent radius and appears in most formulations.
  • Utilize and have fun with problem-solving.
  • Acquire knowledge about formula.
  • Recognize a formula’s components and structure.
  • Take notes after that.
  • After visualizing, give yourself a test.

What is the most well-known formula in physics?

All the physics formulas are well known however one of the most famous physics equation is, E = mc2, which deals with energy. In this equation, the symbols E, m, and c stand for energy, mass, and the speed of light in a vacuum, which is equal to 3×108 meters per second.

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