List of Indian reservations in the United States and Map

List of Indian reservations in the United States: Indian reservations in the United States are areas of land managed by a Native American tribe under the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs rather than the state governments. There are approximately 326 Indian reservations in the United States. The map of Indian reservations in the US shows where Native American tribes live within their lands.

In this article, we are going to learn about the list of Indian reservations in the United States.

Table of Content

  • What is an Indian Reservation?
  • List of Indian Reservations in the United States
  • Map of Indian Reservations in the US
  • Largest Indian Reservations in the US
  • Indian Reservations in the US Today

What is an Indian Reservation?

An Indian reservation is a piece of land that is set aside by the United States government for the use and occupancy of Native American tribes. These lands are managed by the tribes themselves under the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs’ supervision. It allows them to govern their territories, maintain their cultural practices, and uphold their social structures within these designated areas.

Indian reservations were established through treaties, statutes, and executive orders over many years, to provide Native American tribes with permanent lands where they could live independently.

List of Indian Reservations in the United States

There are over 300 federally recognized Indian Reservations in the United States.

Here’s a table listing some of the Indian reservations in the United States. It contains some additional information such as the state they are located in and the primary tribes associated with each reservation:

Reservation Name State(s) Primary Tribe(s)
Navajo Nation Reservation Arizona, New Mexico, Utah Navajo
Pine Ridge Reservation South Dakota Oglala Sioux
Rosebud Reservation South Dakota Sicangu Sioux (Upper Brulé)
Blackfeet Reservation Montana Blackfeet Nation
Cherokee Nation Oklahoma Cherokee
Cheyenne River Reservation South Dakota Cheyenne River Sioux
Standing Rock Reservation North Dakota, South Dakota Sioux
Crow Reservation Montana Crow Nation
Fort Peck Reservation Montana Assiniboine and Sioux
Gila River Indian Community Arizona Akimel O’odham (Pima) and Pee Posh (Maricopa)

Map of Indian Reservations in the US

The map of Indian reservations in the US shows where Native American tribes live within their own lands. These areas are spread out across the country, from the deserts of Arizona to the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Each reservation is like a small piece of a tribe’s history, set aside by the government for them to manage. The map is colorful, with each reservation marked in a different color to show its unique identity.

Looking at the map, you’ll notice that some reservations are huge, like the Navajo Nation, which is the largest and stretches over parts of Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico. Others are much smaller, tucked away in corners of states. The map isn’t just about geography; it tells stories of people, their struggles, and their survival. It’s a reminder of America’s diverse cultural landscape and the importance of recognizing and respecting these communities.

Largest Indian Reservations in the US

The United States is home to several large Indian reservations. Each has its own unique culture, history, and governance. These reservations are lands set aside for Native American tribes, where they exercise sovereignty and maintain their traditions.

Here’s a look at some of the largest Indian reservations in the US:

  • Navajo Nation:
    • Location: Spans across Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico.
    • Size: Approximately 27,000 square miles, making it the largest reservation in the US.
    • Population: Over 300,000 members, also making it one of the most populous.
  • Pine Ridge Reservation:
    • Location: South Dakota.
    • Size: Roughly 3,468 square miles.
    • Population: Home to the Oglala Sioux Tribe, with around 20,000 residents.
  • Rosebud Reservation:
    • Location: South Dakota.
    • Size: About 1,970 square miles.
    • Population: Houses the Sicangu Sioux, with a population of approximately 10,000.
  • Blackfeet Reservation:
    • Location: Montana.
    • Size: Around 3,000 square miles.
    • Population: Home to the Blackfeet Nation, with about 17,000 members.
  • Fort Peck Reservation:
    • Location: Montana.
    • Size: Approximately 2,093 square miles.
    • Population: Occupied by the Assiniboine and Sioux tribes, with around 11,000 residents.

These reservations are important for the preservation of Native American culture, language, and traditions. They serve as a proof of the resilience of these communities, despite the challenges they have faced historically and continue to face today. Each reservation has its own government, laws, and services, including schools, healthcare facilities, and law enforcement, operating independently from the state governments in which they are located.

Indian Reservations in the US Today

Indian reservations are special areas in the US where Native American tribes live and govern themselves. They’re like small countries within the country, each with its own rules and ways of life. But life on reservations comes with its own set of ups and downs.


  • Jobs are hard to find. Many reservations are in remote areas, making it tough to find work. This leads to high unemployment rates.
  • Schools and education. Schools on reservations often don’t get enough money, which means kids might not get the best education.
  • Health issues. People living on reservations face more health problems, like diabetes and heart disease, partly because healthcare services can be limited.
  • Housing. There’s often not enough good housing for everyone, leading to overcrowded homes.
  • Legal stuff. Reservations have their own laws, which can make it complicated when dealing with crimes or legal issues that involve both Native and non-Native laws.


  • Cultural pride. Reservations are places where Native traditions and languages are kept alive and celebrated.
  • Tribal businesses. Some tribes have set up successful businesses, like casinos and resorts, which bring in money and jobs.
  • Education advances. There are programs aimed at improving education on reservations, including scholarships and culturally relevant teaching.
  • Healthcare improvements. Efforts are being made to provide better healthcare services, focusing on both physical and mental health.
  • Environmental leadership. Many tribes are leading the way in protecting the environment and using natural resources wisely on their lands.

Living on a reservation today means dealing with some tough issues but also working towards a future where the community thrives. It’s about balancing the preservation of culture with the challenges of modern life.

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FAQs on List of Indian Reservations in the United States

How many Indian reservations are there in USA?

There are approximately 326 federally recognized Indian reservations in the United States.

What is the largest city on the Indian reservation?

The largest city on an Indian reservation is Tuba City, Arizona, located on the Navajo Nation.

Who can live on an Indian reservation?

Members of the tribe, their families, and in some cases non-Native individuals with specific ties or permissions can live on an Indian reservation.

How many Indian Tribes in the United States?

There are 574 federally recognized Indian Tribes in the United States.

What are the 5 largest Indian tribes in America?

The five largest Indian tribes in America are the Navajo Nation, Cherokee Nation, Choctaw, Sioux, and Ojibwe (Chippewa).

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