List of Countries Bordered by Turkey

Turkey is a transcontinental country that connects Europe and Asia. It shares borders with eight countries, each contributing to its cultural tapestry and geopolitical significance. In this article, we will learn about the countries that border Turkey, along with some essential information about each of them.

Table of Content

  • About Turkey
  • List of Countries Bordered By Turkey in Table format
  • Map of Turkey Showing Surrounding Countries
  • Name of countries bordered By Turkey
  • Turkey’s relationships with its neighboring countries
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs on List of countries bordered By Turkey

About Turkey

Turkey is situated at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. It has a rich tapestry of history, culture, and geography. From the ancient ruins of Ephesus to the bustling streets of Istanbul, Turkey mesmerizes visitors with its blend of Eastern and Western influences. Here are some important information about Turkey tabulated below :

Attribute Details
Official Name Republic of Turkey
Geographical Location Straddles Eastern Europe and Western Asia
Capital City Ankara
Largest City Istanbul
Official Language Turkish
Government Type Unitary parliamentary republic
Area 783,356 square kilometers
Population (approx.) 85 million (as of last update)
Currency Turkish Lira (TRY)

List of Countries Bordered By Turkey

Turkey shares its borders with eight neighbouring nations. Here is the list of countries bordered By Turkey in table format.

Country Length of Border with Turkey
Greece 212 kilometers
Bulgaria 269 kilometers
Georgia 252 kilometers
Armenia 268 kilometers
Azerbaijan 9 kilometers
Iran 499 kilometers
Iraq 331 kilometers
Syria 899 kilometers

Countries Bordering Turkey on the Map

Turkey, a nation straddling two continents and boasting a rich history dating back millennia, shares its borders with eight distinct countries, each contributing to its cultural, economic, and geopolitical landscape. These neighboring nations play a significant role in shaping Turkey’s regional dynamics, fostering both cooperation and occasional challenges.

Let’s take a closer look at the countries that border Turkey with their unique characteristics.


Turkey shares a 212-kilometer border with Greece in the northwest. This border is mainly defined by the Evros River, marking a significant point of contact between the two nations. Greece and Turkey have a long history of interactions, ranging from ancient rivalries to modern diplomatic relations, often influenced by geopolitical dynamics and territorial disputes.


To the northwest, Turkey shares a 269-kilometer border with Bulgaria. The border is primarily land-based, traversing diverse terrains from mountains to plains. Despite occasional tensions, Bulgaria and Turkey maintain diplomatic relations and cooperate on various regional issues, including trade and security.


Turkey’s northeastern border spans 252 kilometers with Georgia, marking a crucial juncture between Europe and Asia. The border between Turkey and Georgia reflects shared historical ties and cultural exchanges, with both nations playing significant roles in regional politics and trade.


In the east, Turkey shares a 268-kilometer border with Armenia. This border is notable for its historical and political significance, marked by the legacy of the Armenian genocide and ongoing disputes over territorial claims and recognition of historical events.


A brief 9-kilometer border connects Turkey with Azerbaijan, highlighting their cultural and historical ties, particularly with the Turkic peoples. The close relationship between Turkey and Azerbaijan is further strengthened by shared linguistic and ethnic affinities, as well as strategic cooperation in energy and transportation projects.


To the southeast, Turkey’s border with Iran stretches 499 kilometers, spanning mountainous regions and serving as a key link between the Middle East and Eurasia. Despite occasional tensions, Turkey and Iran maintain diplomatic relations and collaborate on various regional issues, including trade, energy, and security.


Turkey shares a 331-kilometer border with Iraq to the south, traversing diverse landscapes and impacting regional dynamics. The border between Turkey and Iraq has been a focal point of geopolitical tensions, particularly concerning Kurdish populations and cross-border security challenges.


Turkey’s southern border with Syria extends 899 kilometers, marking a crucial frontier amid regional conflicts and geopolitical interests. The border between Turkey and Syria has been a hotspot of instability, with Turkey playing a significant role in the Syrian civil war and hosting millions of Syrian refugees.

Turkey’s Relationships with Neighboring Countries

Turkey’s relationships with its neighboring countries are characterized by a complex interplay of historical, cultural, and geopolitical factors. While Turkey shares borders with eight nations, each relationship presents its own unique dynamics. Despite occasional tensions, Turkey maintains significant economic ties with neighboring countries, fostering trade and investment partnerships that benefit regional stability and prosperity.

Furthermore, Turkey plays a crucial role in regional security efforts, collaborating with neighboring nations to address common challenges such as terrorism and refugee crises. However, historical disputes and political differences occasionally strain relations, particularly with countries like Greece and Armenia. Nonetheless, Turkey continues to pursue diplomatic engagement and cooperation initiatives, recognizing the importance of peaceful coexistence and mutual respect in shaping the future of the region.

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FAQs on List of Countries Bordered By Turkey

How Many Countries Border Turkey on the Map?

Turkey is bordered by eight countries: Greece, Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Azerbaijan’s Nakhchivan exclave.

Why does Turkey have such a diverse range of neighboring countries?

Turkey’s strategic location at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East has historically attracted various cultures, empires, and civilizations, leading to a diverse array of neighboring nations.

Are there any ongoing border disputes between Turkey and its Neighbors?

Yes, Turkey has had historical and contemporary border disputes with some of its neighbors, particularly regarding territorial claims and ethnic conflicts.

How does Turkey’s geography influence its relationships with neighboring countries?

Turkey’s geography, including its access to key waterways and its position as a bridge between continents, shapes its economic and political interactions with neighboring nations.

What are some common cultural influences shared between Turkey and its bordering countries?

Shared historical legacies, trade routes, and migration patterns have led to cultural exchanges and influences between Turkey and its neighboring countries, evident in language, cuisine, and traditions.

How does Turkey manage its borders in terms of security and immigration?

Turkey employs various measures, including border patrols, checkpoints, and diplomatic agreements, to manage its borders, particularly amidst regional conflicts and migration challenges.

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