List of American Inventions and Discoveries

America has produced the most no of scientific inventions and discoveries. These inventions and discoveries led the foundation of modern scientific wonders. Also, in various competitive exams, MCQ type questions are asked from this section. So aspirants are advised to go though each invention and their scientist to ace the section.

Check the list of American inventions and discoveries from below table.

List of American Inventions and Discoveries

Following is the list of some famous American inventions and their scientist names.





1 Lightning Rod Benjamin Franklin 1752
2 Submarine David Bushnell 1776
3 First U.S. Patent William Pollard 1790
4 Cotton Gin Eli Whitney 1794
5 Interchangeable Parts Eli Whitney 1797
6 Spray Gun Dr. Alan de Vilbiss 1803
7 Amphibious Vehicle Oliver Evans 1805
8 Coffee Pot Benjamin Thompson (Count Rumford) 1806
9 Steamboat Robert Fulton 1807
10 Armored Warship Robert Fulton 1813
11 Plough John Jethro Woods 1814
12 Profile Lathe Thomas Blanchard 1818
13 Electro-magnetic Motor Joseph Henry 1830
14 Reaping Machine McCormick Reaper 1831
15 Sewing Machine Walter Hunt, Elias Howe, Isaac Singer 1833
16 Threshing Machine John A. and Hiram Abial Pitts 1834
17 Revolver Samuel Colt 1836
18 Power Tools Thomas Davenport 1837
19 Paint Tube John Rand 1840
20 Ether Anesthesia Crawford Williamson Long 1842
21 Vulcanized Rubber Charles Goodyear 1843
22 Telegraph Samuel F.B. Morse 1844
23 False Teeth Cladius Ash 1845
24 Cylinder Printing Press Richard M. Hoe 1846
25 Shaving King Camp Gillette 1901
26 Air Conditioning Willis H. Carrier 1902
27 Airplane Orville and Wilbur Wright 1903
28 Model T Henry Ford 1908
29 Self Starter Charles F. Kettering 1911
30 Hydrofoil Alexander Graham Bell 1919
31 Wirephoto Western Union 1921
32 Rocket Robert H. Goddard 1926
33 Television Philo Farnsworth 1927
34 Frozen Food Clarence Birdseye 1929
35 Radio Astronomy Karl Guthe Jansky 1931
36 Defibrillator Dr. William Bennett Kouwenhoven 1932
37 Nylon Wallace H. Carothers 1938
38 Digital Computer John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry 1939
39 Jeep Karl K. Pabst 1940
40 Atomic Reaction Enrico Fermi 1942
41 Atomic Bomb J.R. Oppenheimer, Arthur H. Compton, Enrico Fermi, Léo Szilard 1945
42 Polaroid Camera Dr. Edwin H. Land 1947
43 Electric Guitar Leo Fender 1948
44 UNIVAC 1 Eckert and Mauchly Computer Co. 1951
45 Heart-lung Machine Dr. John H. Gibbon 1953
46 Polio Vaccine Dr. Albert Sabin 1957
47 Laser Theodore H. Maiman 1960
48 Operating System IBM 1964
49 Minicomputer Digital Equipment 1965
50 Moon Landing NASA 1969
51 Optical Fiber Corning Glass 1970
52 Video Game Noland Bushnell 1972
53 Microsoft Bill Gates and Paul Allen 1975
54 Super Computer Cray Research, Inc. 1976
55 Human-Powered Flight Dr. Paul MacCready 1979
56 Space Shuttle NASA 1981
57 Artificial Heart Dr. Robert Jarvis 1982
58 PC Recognition “Time” Magazine 1983
59 Genetic Engineering USDA 1985
60 Graphic User Interface Lawsuit Apple 1988

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Top 10 American innovations

Bread Slicing Machine

  • Invented by Otto Frederick Rodwedder from Iowa.
  • Worked on it for over 10 years before it hit businesses in 1928.
  • It’s why we say “the best thing since sliced bread” for cool new ideas.

The Internet

  • Started in 1969 with a message sent between two computers.
  • Took some time to become popular, but now it’s essential for work and staying connected.
  • Billions of people use it around the world today.

GPS (Global Positioning System)

  • Created by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1973, combining the best of existing satellite systems.
  • Wasn’t immediately impactful, but now it’s crucial for navigation everywhere.
  • Helps us get around on land, sea, and air.

Post-It Notes

  • Spencer Silver, a chemist, discovered a unique re-stickable glue.
  • His colleague, Art Fry, came up with the idea to use it for bookmarks in 1974.
  • Now, they’re used globally for notes and reminders.

The Telephone

  • Invented by Alexander Graham Bell, who got the first patent in 1876 while in Massachusetts.
  • Made the first successful long-distance call to his assistant.
  • Changed the way we communicate over distances.

The Airplane

  • Invented by Wilbur and Orville Wright, two bicycle mechanics interested in flight.
  • Achieved the first powered flight in 1903.
  • Their design principles are still used in today’s airplanes.

The Light Bulb

  • Thomas Edison improved the light bulb to make it practical for everyday use.
  • Created a complete system and a successful bulb in 1879.
  • Changed our sleep patterns and how we light up the night.

Interchangeable Parts

  • Introduced by Eli Whitney, making manufacturing parts uniform.
  • Made mass production and assembly lines possible.
  • Revolutionized manufacturing, leading to faster and cheaper production.


  • Charles Goodyear invented the vulcanization process in 1844, enhancing rubber.
  • Paved the way for the development of various plastics.
  • Impacted nearly every industry and our daily lives.

Moving Pictures

  • William Dickson and Thomas Edison developed the Kinetograph, an early movie camera, in 1890.
  • Led to the creation of movie projectors and theaters.
  • Started America’s dominance in the film industry and changed entertainment.


The spirit of invention is profoundly embedded in the American culture, propelling development and enriching lives worldwide. These innovations and discoveries demonstrate the constant quest of knowledge and the ambition to push the limits of what is possible. As we face new challenges, the legacy of American inventiveness will definitely play an important part in defining our future.

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List of American Inventions and Discoveries – FAQs

What are the top 10 American inventions of all time?

The top 10 American inventions of all time are as follows-

Bread Slicing Machine

The Internet

Global Positioning System (GPS)

Post-It Notes

The Telephone

The Airplane

The Light Bulb

Interchangeable Parts

 Who is America’s Greatest inventor?

Thomas Alva Edison is America’s Greatest inventor. Edison was an American inventor and businessman who has been described as America’s greatest inventor. 

How do American innovations impact the global community?

American innovations often set new standards and practices that are adopted worldwide, driving global progress and development.


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