Alauddin Khilji – List of Victories in Chronological Order

List of Victories of Alauddin Khilji in Detail: Want to learn about Alauddin Khilji’s invasions and victories? Then this article is for you. One of the Khilji dynasty’s most potent emperors, Alauddin Khalji, established his authority in Delhi by killing his father-in-law and uncle, Jalalluding Kilji, and rose to become the Sultan of Delhi. Alauddin defended the Mongol invasions in India more than once to retain and expand his kingdom across North, Central, and South India.

During his rule from 1296–1316, Alauddin invaded and conquered many Hindu kingdoms, including Jalore, Gujarat, Ranthambore, Chittor, Malwa, and Siwana. Alauddin transferred the administrative responsibilities to Malik Kafur during the final years of his life due to a health issue. Read below this interesting article to learn about the List of Victories of Alauddin Khilji in detail.

Alauddin Khilji – List of Victories

Table of Content

  • Victories of Alauddin Khilji
  • List of Victories of Alauddin Khilji
  • Kara: 1291
  • Gujarat: 1299
  • Ranthambhore: 1301
  • Chittor: 1303
  • Malwa: 1305
  • Devgiri: 1306-1307
  • Warangal: 1308
  • Dwar Samudra: 1310
  • Madura:1311

Victories of Alauddin Khilji

Year Campaign Victory Significance
1291 Kara (present-day Uttar Pradesh) Successful suppression of a rebellion led by Malik Chajju, consolidating power within the Delhi Sultanate. Demonstrated leadership and ability to quell internal threats.
1299 Gujarat Captured Bhilsa and defeated Paramara forces, later annexed the entire kingdom. Increased territory and secure access to trade routes.
1301 Ranthambore Defeated Chauhan ruler Hamir Dev and captured the strategically important fort. Expanded territory and weakened potential Rajput threats.
1303 Chittorgarh Siege and capture of the fort after several months, despite Rajput resistance. Major psychological victory, weakening Rajput resistance and showcasing Alauddin’s military prowess.
1305 Malwa Defeated Paramara ruler Mahendra and incorporated Malwa into the Delhi Sultanate. Further expansion of territory and control over central India.
1306-07 Devagiri (present-day Maharashtra) Defeated Yadava ruler Ramdev and plundered the prosperous city. Gained immense wealth and resources for the sultanate.
1308 Siwana (present-day Rajasthan) Captured the Paramara fort, further consolidating control over the region. Strengthened control over trade routes and strategic locations.
1308 Warangal (present-day Telangana) Sacked the Kakatiya capital and secured tribute from the ruler. Increased economic influence and prestige of the Sultanate.
1310 Dwarasamudra (present-day Karnataka) Defeated Hoysala ruler Ballala III and plundered the prosperous city. Further expansion southward and acquisition of wealth.
1311 Madura (present-day Tamil Nadu) Led a raid on the Pandya kingdom and secured tribute. Expanded reach and influence further south, demonstrating power beyond northern India.
1303-1308 Mongol Invasions Successfully defended Delhi against five Mongol invasions from the Chagatai Khanate. Crucial victories secured the Sultanate against a major external threat and solidified Alauddin’s reputation as a skilled military leader.

List of Victories of Alauddin Khilji

List of Victories of Alauddin Khilji in Detail: Alauddin Kihilji captured the power of the Delhi Sultanate and started expanding his territories by attacking and conquering various kingdoms in India. The victories achieved by Aladdin Khilji are described as follows:

Kara: 1291

In 1291, following the revolt of Malik Chajju, the governor of Kara, Alauddin, attacked Kara and successfully handled the revolt attempt by conquering Kara. As a result, Jalaluddin Khilji appointed Alauddin to be Kara’s new governor.

Gujarat: 1299

This was his first army assault after coming to power in Delhi. Even before he assumed the throne, he knew of Gujarat’s precarious economic situation, so he thought it was ideal to attack the state.

He became victorious as Karna, the ruler of Gujarat at this period, fled from his kingdom with his family and took shelter in Devagiri in Maharashtra.

His daughter Deval Devi was apprehended by Alauddin, who arranged for her wedding to his son Khijr Khan. Here, Alauddin met Malik Kafur, a slave who played a significant part in the growth of Alauddin’s dynasty.

Ranthambhore: 1301

The Chauhan dynasty governed Ranthambore in Rajasthan, and Hamir Dev was the ruler when Alaudding attacked his kingdom. Hamir Dev gave shelter to the new Muslims, which annoyed Alauddin, and he assaulted Ranthambore as a result. Alauddin won the battle against Hammir Dev Chauhan.

Chittor: 1303

Alauddin Khilji found that Chittor was in the way of the Gujarati trade route, so he decided to capture it. Alauddin led a huge army to capture Chittor, the capital of Ratnasimha’s Guhila kingdom. Following an eight-month siege, Alauddin gained victory against the Rajputs and renamed the Chittor as Khizrabad after his son Khijr Khan’s name.

Malwa: 1305

Alauddin led an invasion of central India’s Malwa region, which ended with the Paramara monarch Mahalakadeva’s defeat and demise. It also seems that Alauddin’s conquest of the province north-east of Malwa brought down the Yajvapala dynasty.

In December of 1305, the Mongols invaded India through the Gangetic Plains along the slopes of the Himalayas. At the Battle of Amroha, Alauddin’s 30,000-strong cavalry, under the command of Malik Nayak, defeated the Mongols.

Devgiri: 1306-1307

King Ramdev ruled the Yadav dynasty during this time. Alauddin Khilji attacked the kingdom of Devgiri when Ramdev refused to pay the required yearly contributions. Ramdev was defeated and taken to Delhi, where he eventually surrendered himself to the Delhi Sultanate.

Warangal: 1308

The Kakatiya dynasty ruled this area of south India, and the king was Pratap Rudra Dev. His kingdom’s extreme wealth led Alauddin Khilji to attack the kingdom. Aluddin’s commander, Malik Kafur, defeated Pratap Rudra Dev, who eventually acknowledged Alauddin’s authority.

Dwar Samudra: 1310

Geographically speaking, it was situated on Karnataka State’s west coast. Ballal III of the Hoysala dynasty governed it. After a brief siege, he was unable to muster any resistance against Malik Kafur’s attack, and after a brief siege, he agreed to negotiate a ceasefire, giving up his wealth and becoming a part of Alauddin Khiljis territory.


Madura was ruled by the Pandya dynasty under Vir and Sundar Pandya, who disputed power capture. Sundar Pandya sought advice from Alauddin to assist him. Together, Sundar Pandya and Alauddin vanquished Vir Pandya. In response, Sundar Pandya recognized Alauddin’s authority.

Alauddin Khilji was an able ruler who executed his military capabilities to capture the kingdoms across North and South India. Aladdin Khilji’s conquests led to the overthrow of several Rajput and other Hindu dynasties, including the Paramaras, Vaghelas, Chahamanas, Guhilas, and probably the Yajvapalas.

His general of slaves, Malik Kafur, conducted several wars south of the Vindhyas, winning significant battles at Devagiri (1308), Warangal (1310), and Dwarasamudra (1311).

Conclusion – List of Victories of Alauddin Khilji in Detail

In conclusion, Alauddin was one of the most powerful rulers of the Khilji dynasty, and during his rule from 1296 to 1316, he invaded many kingdoms. It included Kara, Gujarat, Ranthambore, Chittor, Malwa, Devgiri, Warangal, Dwar Samudra, and Madura. In the above article, we have described his victories in detail.

FAQs: List of Victories of Alauddin Khilji in Detail

Who instigated Alauddin Khilji to dethrone his uncle and father-in-law, Jalaluddin Khilji?

The previous subordinate advisors of Malik Chajju at Kara thought Jalaluddin Khilji was a feeble and inefficient ruler, and therefore they encouraged Alauddin to seize control of Delhi by removing Jalaluddin.

What was one of the most remarkable victories of Alaudding Khilji?

One of the most remarkable achievements of Alauddin Kilji was successfully defending and winning battles against the Mongols, who invaded India twice during his reign.

Who was Malik Kafur?

Malik Kafur was initially a slave of Alauddin Khilji, but later, he was given power and authority by Alauddin Khilji to fight battles on behalf of Alauddin and became victorious.

How did Alauddin Khilji become the Sultan of Delhi?

Alauddin Khalji became Sultan of Delhi after killing his father-in-law and predecessor, Jalaluddin Khalji.

Where is the Alauddin Khilji tomb located?

The tomb of Alauddin Khalji is housed in a madrasa, an Islamic institution located near Qutub Minar, Mehrauli, Delhi, India.

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