Linnerud Dataset – Explain, Implementation, Application

The Linnerud dataset is a classic dataset in machine learning and statistics. It is a foundational resource for exploring the relationships between physical attributes and exercise performance. Understanding the dataset involves grasping its structure, content, and potential applications. In this article, we will see how to use the Linnerud dataset and how to load it with the help of sklearn.

Table of Content

  • What is the Linnerud dataset?
    • Characteristics of Linnerud Dataset
    • Data Structure
  • Exploring Linnerud Dataset
    • Physiological Variables of Linnerud Dataset
    • Exercise Variables of Linnerud Dataset
  • How to Load Linnerud dataset?
    • Loading Linnerud Dataset using Sklearn
  • Application of Linnerud dataset
  • Limitation of Linnerud Dataset
    • Impact of Limitations
  • Conclusion

What is the Linnerud dataset?

Linnerud dataset establishes relationships between physical attributes and exercise performance. The dataset is in tabular format, with rows representing individual athletes and columns denoting attributes such as weight, waist circumference, pulse rate, and the number of repetitions for each exercise. This organization facilitates straightforward analysis and modeling, enabling researchers to explore correlations, trends, and predictive relationships.

The main application of Linnerud dataset is in regression analysis, in which the aim is to forecast a continuously variable target, for a certain set of input features. To illustrate, scientists may focus on the determination to establish how many repetitions an athlete can do in those exercises by considering their weight, waist circumference, and pulse rate. This is achieved by feeding the dataset to train regression models which in turn reveal those patterns and lead to development of predictive models for evaluating exercise performance.

Characteristics of Linnerud Dataset

Characteristics of Linnerud Dataset are as follows:

  • Number of Instances: 20
  • Number of Attributes: 3
  • Missing Attribute Values: None

Data Structure

The Linnerud dataset comprises two distinct sets of variables:

  1. Physiological Variables: Weight, Waist, and Pulse.
  2. Exercise Variables: Chins, Situps, and Jumps.

Samples total



3 (for both data and target)





Exploring Linnerud Dataset

Physiological Variables of Linnerud Dataset

  • Weight: Represents the weight of each individual in the dataset.
  • Waist: Indicates the waist measurement of the participants.
  • Pulse: Reflects the pulse rate of the individuals during the study.

Exercise Variables of Linnerud Dataset

  • Chins: Denotes the number of chin-ups performed by each participant.
  • Situps: Represents the number of sit-ups completed by the individuals.
  • Jumps: Indicates the number of jumps performed by each participant.

How to Load Linnerud dataset?

This dataset is often used for regression analysis and predictive modelling tasks, such as predicting the number of repetitions an athlete can perform based on their physical characteristics. The sklearn.datasets.load_linnerud function is used to load the Linnerud dataset.

Syntax: sklearn.datasets.load_linnerud(*, return_X_y=False, as_frame=False)

Parameters: return_X_y or as_frame : bool, default=False

Returns: Data [Dictionary-like object]

The load_linnerud function in scikit-learn provides a multi-output regression dataset containing exercise and physiological measurements from twenty middle-aged men, useful for fitness-related studies.

Loading Linnerud Dataset using Sklearn

  1. Importing Libraries: The code starts by importing the necessary libraries, load_linnerud from sklearn.datasets and pd from pandas.
  2. Loading the Dataset: load_linnerud() loads the Linnerud dataset, which is a multi-output regression dataset consisting of exercise (data) and physiological (target) variables.
  3. Creating DataFrames: Two DataFrames are created:
    • features_df: Contains the input features (exercise data) of the Linnerud dataset. Each row represents a data point, and each column represents a different exercise variable.
    • targets_df: Contains the target variables (physiological data) of the Linnerud dataset. Each row corresponds to a data point, and each column represents a different physiological variable.
  4. Printing the Features DataFrame: The code prints the first few rows of the features_df DataFrame using head() to show a preview of the dataset.
from sklearn.datasets import load_linnerud
import pandas as pd

# Load the Linnerud dataset
linnerud = load_linnerud()

# Creating DataFrames from the dataset for easier manipulation
# Features DataFrame
features_df = pd.DataFrame(, columns=linnerud.feature_names)
# Target DataFrame
targets_df = pd.DataFrame(, columns=linnerud.target_names)

# Print the first few rows of the features DataFrame
print("Features DataFrame:")


Features DataFrame:
   Chins  Situps  Jumps
0    5.0   162.0   60.0
1    2.0   110.0   60.0
2   12.0   101.0  101.0
3   12.0   105.0   37.0
4   13.0   155.0   58.0

Application of Linnerud Dataset

The Linnerud dataset is a relatively less commonly used dataset in comparison to more widely known datasets like Iris, MNIST, or Breast Cancer Wisconsin. However, it still has several applications in machine learning and statistics. Here are some potential applications of the Linnerud dataset:

  1. Multivariate Regression: The Linnerud dataset consists of multivariate data, where each observation includes measurements of physiological attributes (weight, waist circumference, pulse) and exercise-related attributes (number of chin-ups, sit-ups, jumps). One application is to use this dataset to build multivariate regression models to predict physiological attributes based on exercise-related attributes or vice versa.
  2. Feature Selection and Dimensionality Reduction: Researchers can use the Linnerud dataset to explore feature selection techniques and dimensionality reduction methods. By selecting the most relevant features or reducing the dimensionality of the dataset while retaining important information, it’s possible to simplify models and improve prediction accuracy.
  3. Exercise Physiology Studies: The Linnerud dataset was originally collected for studying the effects of exercise on physiological variables. Researchers in exercise physiology and sports science can use this dataset to analyze relationships between exercise routines and physiological responses, potentially leading to insights into optimizing exercise programs for health and fitness.
  4. Health and Fitness Monitoring: Health and fitness professionals can use the Linnerud dataset to develop models for monitoring and assessing individuals’ health and fitness levels based on their exercise performance and physiological measurements. These models could be used to design personalized exercise programs or track progress over time.
  5. Teaching and Learning: The Linnerud dataset can be used as a teaching resource in statistics, machine learning, and data analysis courses. Students can practice applying various statistical and machine learning techniques, such as regression analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), and clustering, to analyze the dataset and draw meaningful conclusions.

In summary, the Linnerud dataset becomes a relevant repository for researchers in exercise science, machine learning, but with them the related fields by the area to research the connections between physical activity and physiological response.

Limitation of Linnerud Dataset

The Linnerud dataset, while valuable for educational purposes, has several limitations that hinder its real-world applicability:The Linnerud dataset, while valuable for educational purposes, has several limitations that hinder its real-world applicability:

  • Small Sample Size: There is no tabular information provided for 20 people. This sample size, described as being small, prevents the researchers from making the generalizations that are statistically significant and training advanced machine learning algorithms. These applications are real-world-driven and most often the source of data is thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of people for accurate and reliable outcomes.
  • Limited Feature Set: Targeting a relatively small set of exercises (chins, situps, jumps) and taking a handful of physiological measures (weight, waist circumference, pulse rate) is the subject matter of this dataset. In reality, fitness is farther away than grasping crunches, bicep curls, and metrons. It is about encompassing more than just the simple exercises, more than just the muscles that do it, and that which it produces on a physiological level.
  • Lack of Diversity: Although, most likely, the data originates from a group of people with similar physical features, it might not be representative of other groups such as the ones who are different in fitness levels, body types or race. Models constructed to treat real-life scenarios must be designed to be adaptive to the diverse population.
  • Limited Context: For example,we are unaware from the given dataset about the training background of the individuals or their previous diets which can affect their certain bodily responses. Here this prevents to make out a distinct effect associated with the particular movements.

Impact of Limitations

These constraints, however, reduce the utility of the data set in the cloth of personalized recommendations that athletes spend their days on. Nonetheless, its contribution comes through in the sense that it is a third pillar resource for grasping how this computational form of learning can examine exercise and physiological function. This method could be from scientists as a way to widen and explore more specific target in larger and more in depth datasets.


The Linnerud dataset stands as a testament to the intricate connections between exercise routines and physiological well-being. By harnessing the power of multi-output regression analysis, researchers can unlock valuable insights that pave the way for healthier lifestyles and optimized fitness regimes. As we delve deeper into the complexities of human physiology and exercise science, datasets like Linnerud continue to fuel our quest for knowledge and understanding.

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