LinkedIn Review 2024: Features, Pros and Cons

Have you heard about this quote – “It’s not what you know; it’s who you know”? Well, LinkedIn took that to heart and built a global community that’s all about professional relationships. From its inception, the LinkedIn profile has been the go-to platform for cultivating professional relationships and serving multiple purposes: job hunting, talent scouting, networking, and knowledge exchange. It’s also a prime avenue for companies to flaunt their brand, advertise job openings, and captivate potential talents. In this article, we dig into a comprehensive LinkedIn review, exploring how the platform has embraced the power of connections to shape the landscape of professional growth.

Today, this global network boasts a staggering 772 million users – a community dedicated to propelling one another toward triumph. But what sets LinkedIn apart? It’s the extraordinary organic reach it offers. Picture this: a staggering organic reach that can make your content go viral in record time, all without the need for advertisements.

So today, let’s embark on a journey through our LinkedIn Review 2024. We’ll explore its cutting-edge features to optimize your LinkedIn profile, including the pros and cons, and unveil the strategies for leveraging this platform to its fullest potential.

Table of Content

  • LinkedIn Plans
  • Primary Features of LinkedIn
  • LinkedIn Features 2024 for Your Profile
  • LinkedIn Features 2024 for Your Company Page
  • Pros and Cons: LinkedIn 2024

LinkedIn Plans

Setting up an account on LinkedIn is very easy with general credentials but there are several account plans offered by LinkedIn. Some of them are:

  1. Free LinkedIn Account
  2. LinkedIn Premium Account
  3. LinkedIn Sales Navigator Account
  4. LinkedIn Recruiter Account
  5. LinkedIn Learning Account


Primary Features of LinkedIn

LinkedIn has an array of features that make it the ultimate tool for professionals and students alike:



Profile that Speaks Volumes A personal account is like a digital business card where you can flaunt your skills, education, work experiences, etc.
Meaningful Connections Connect with the best minds in your industry and become a part of the dynamic community to learn every single day.
Explore Job Opportunities Discover job opportunities, apply for them, and get personalized feedback regarding your profile from the concerned department.
Showcase Your Brand Set up a LinkedIn Company page, to flaunt your identity, services, and openings which are available to hire the best minds.
Super-charged Sales Identify and connect with potential clients to turn your prospects into loyal patrons.
Amplify with Advertising With LinkedIn’s advertising solutions, target your ideal audience, and watch your brand shine.
Gaze into Insights Look out for your performance stats for your profiles, posts, and campaigns.

LinkedIn Features 2024 for Your Profile

You can enhance your LinkedIn experience by including these amazing features. These features are going to increase your professional presence as well as your networking capabilities. Including the following tools will keep you ahead in the digital connection world; make sure you make the most of the new opportunities provided by the platform.

1. Become a Trendsetter with Creator Mode

Activate Creator Mode and watch your LinkedIn profile transform! The “connect” button morphs into a “follow” button, turning your connections into loyal followers. You might even snag a spot as a suggested creator, gaining maximum visibility. Check out these steps to become a trendsetter:

  • Click the “Me” icon on your LinkedIn Homepage.
  • Select View Profile.
  • Find “Resources” and tap “Creator mode: Off.”
  • A creator mode box pops up. Hit next.
  • Follow the prompts and click “Turn on“.

2. Make Your Name Heard and Understood

Are you tired of your name being mispronounced? Connect confidently with professionals from around the world by recording a 10-second voice snippet of your name. Click on the speaker icon beside your name to share your pronunciation.

  • Head to your Profile.
  • Select the Pronounce Name button.
  • Click the microphone icon to record your name.
  • You can re-record if needed.
  • Note: Use the LinkedIn mobile app for this feature.

3. Craft Captivating Newsletters

Do you have a voice that needs to be heard? With Creator Mode, selected creators can launch their newsletters, keeping subscribers hooked with topic-specific articles. Your subscribers receive notifications each time you publish, ensuring your ideas reach far and wide.

4. Collaborative Articles: Your Expertise Amplified

Ignite meaningful conversations with Collaborative Articles either AI-generated but yet curated by LinkedIn’s editorial team. This will help in fueling engagement and showcase your expertise while fostering education.

5. Seamless Video Meetings and LinkedIn Live

Elevate your professional conversations with easy link sharing in LinkedIn messaging. Share webinar, Q&A, and interview links directly with your connections.

6. Showcase Your Best with Featured Posts

Highlight your accomplishments with featured posts. Showcase your top-performing content, articles, external links, and media to impress visitors.

  • Visit your profile page.
  • Click the edit icon on the featured tab.
  • Add relevant sources with the add icon.
  • Choose the post or enter info.
  • Save or hit Done.

7. AI Feedback for Confident Interviews

Boost your interview confidence with AI feedback. Receive insights and recommendations based on video recordings of your responses to common interview questions, which will eventually help in your delivery and communication.

LinkedIn Features 2024 for Your Company Page

You can use LinkedIn features to find out what enhancements have been made to the company’s LinkedIn presence. You can increase your brand engagement, recruitment efforts, and networking capabilities by using the below features on your company’s page.

1. Effortless Post Scheduling

Everyone has welcomed this seamless post-scheduling option on LinkedIn. Businesses and users alike have been eagerly awaiting this game-changing feature. You can now plan your posts up to three months ahead, maintaining an active and engaging page effortlessly. Moreover, craft your content, then simply pick the perfect date and time for it to shine. LinkedIn’s user-friendly interface makes scheduling a breeze.

2. Boost Your Job Visibility

Elevate your job openings’ reach with minimal effort, with an automatic job posting to your Page. When you list a new job opening, it instantly becomes a post on your page. A simple settings adjustment is all it takes to unlock this powerful tool. Elevate your recruitment game and let your openings stand out.

3. Connect Like Never Before

Companies, it’s time to build bridges. Now, brand pages can follow each other, just like individual users. Connect, network, and broaden your reach within the professional community. The mutual follow feature lets you stay in the loop with industry trends and your counterparts’ updates.

Pros and Cons: LinkedIn 2024

Looking to supercharge your career? Look no further than LinkedIn! This dynamic platform isn’t just a digital space—it’s your ticket to connecting, job hunting, and weaving the tapestry of your professional journey. After a proper LinkedIn review, now let’s look at their positive and negative points from the user’s perspective:



Professional Networking with Connections

Spam and Unsolicited Messages

Job Opportunities

Efficient Job Search Competition

Professional Branding Options


Learning Opportunity along with Insights Management

Personalization Features are Limited

Recommendations and Endorsements

Event and Webinar Listings



LinkedIn, being the biggest platform for professional networking holds the utmost importance for students and professionals. The few updates in 2024 in the application made it extra-useful for beginners to search for opportunities, connect with peers, and showcase their real skills and talents. Even there are options to make it more professionalized such as Name Pronunciation, Projects Addition, Domain Tagging, etc. Therefore, looking over all the plans of LinkedIn, it offers different free features too, for enriching your skills and capabilities.

LinkedIn Review 2024 – FAQs

How many types of LinkedIn plans are there?

There are five types of LinkedIn accounts available including for an individual and company. It comprises of LinkedIn Free, LinkedIn Premium, LinkedIn Learning, LinkedIn Recruiter, and LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

What are some of the amazing features of the updated LinkedIn app?

There are multiple features offered by the core department of LinkedIn such as addition of extra LinkedIn plans of specific category, domain-wise tag addition, special recommendation listing in profile, etc.

Can I get an opportunity to join webinars and events for free?

Yes, there are multiple webinars and events organize by specific communities, companies, or other sources, with the motive to get more audience and to teach the skills independently to the users.

What are the benefits offered through LinkedIn, particularly for students?

There are a list of benefits offered by LinkedIn for the students such as free courses, certifications, quality webinars of different domains, skill test clearance for better visibility to the recruiters, LinkedIn reviews, etc.

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