Limit Formula

Limits help us comprehend how functions behave as their inputs approach certain values. Think of a limit as the destination that a function aims to reach as the input gets closer and closer to a specific point.

In this article, we will explore the essential limit formulas that form the backbone of calculus. These formulas are like the rules of a game, guiding us on how to find limits in various scenarios. Whether you’re adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing functions, there are specific formulas to help you determine the limit.

Table of Content

  • What is a Limit in Mathematics?
  • Limit Formulas
    • Basic Limit Formulas
    • Trigonometric Limits
    • L-hospital Rule
    • Exponential Limits
    • Logarithmic limits
  • Important Limit Results
  • Sample Problem
  • Practice Problems
  • FAQs

What is a Limit in Mathematics?

A limit is the value that a function (or sequence) “approaches” as the input (or index) approaches some value.

Mathematically, for a function f(x), the limit of f(x) as approaches c is L, written as:

lim⁡x→cf(x) = L

This means that for every ϵ > 0, there exists a δ>0 such that whenever 0 < ∣x − c∣ < δ, it follows that ∣f(x) − L∣ < ϵ.

Read More about Formal Definition of Limits.

Limit Formulas

There are various formulas involving the limit such as:

Let’s discuss these formulas in detail as follows:

Basic Limit Formulas

Formula Description
limx→c​k = k The limit of a constant is the constant itself.
limx→cx = c The limit of x as x approaches c is c.
limx→c[f(x) + g(x)] = limx→c​f(x) + limx→cg(x) The limit of a sum is the sum of the limits.
limx→c[f(x) − g(x)] = limx→c​f(x) − limx→c​g(x) The limit of a difference is the difference of the limits.
limx→c​[f(x) ⋅ g(x)] = limx→c​f(x) ⋅ limx→c​g(x) The limit of a product is the product of the limits.
limx→c​[f(x)/g(x)​] = [limx→cf(x)]/[limx→c​g(x)]​, provided limx→c​g(x) ≠ 0 The limit of a quotient is the quotient of the limits, provided the denominator limit is not zero.
limx→c​k⋅f(x) = k⋅limx→c​f(x) The limit of a constant multiplied by a function is the constant multiplied by the limit of the function.

Trigonometric Limits

To evaluate trigonometric limits, we have to reduce the terms of the function into simpler terms or into terms of sinθ and cosθ.  

  • limx ⇢ 0  \frac{sinx}{x}  = limx ⇢ 0 \frac{x}{sinx}  = 1
  • limx ⇢ 0 tanx/x = limx ⇢ 0 x/tanx =1

As we considered our first one, 

limx ⇢ 0 sinx/x =1      

Using L-Hospital

limx ⇢ 0 cosx/1 

limx ⇢ 0 cos(0)/1 = 1/1 =1

If the function gives an indeterminate form by putting limits, Then use the l-hospital rule.

Indeterminate  Form 

0/0, ∞/∞, ∞-∞, ∞/0, 0, ∞0 , 00, ∞

L-hospital Rule

If we get the indeterminate form, then we differentiate the numerator and denominator separately until we get a finite value. Remember we would differentiate the numerator and denominator the same number of times. Similarly for all trigonometric function,

  • limx ⇢ 0 sin-1x/x = limx ⇢ 0 x/sin-1x = 1

limx ⇢ 0 sin-1x/x =1

limx ⇢ 0 1/√1+x2  [Using L-Hospital] 

= 1/√(1 + (0)2) = 1

  • limx⇢0 \frac{tan^{-1}x}{x}  =1
  • limx ⇢ a  sin xo/x = π/180
  • limx⇢0 cosx = 1
  • limx ⇢ a  sin(x-a) / (x-a) =1

limx ⇢ a sin(x – a) / (x – a) 


limx ⇢ a cos(x – a)/1 

= limx ⇢ a cos(a – a) = cos(0) =1

  • limx⇢∞ sinx/x = 0
  • limx⇢∞ cosx/x = 0
  • limx⇢∞ sin(1/x) / (1/x) =0

limx ⇢ ∞ sin(1/x)/(1/x) = 0

Let 1/x = h

So, limits changes to 0

Because 1\∞ = 0

limh ⇢ 0 sinh/h

As we see before, If limx ⇢ 0 sinx/x = 1

So, limh ⇢ 0 sinh/h = 1

Read More about L’Hospital Rule.

Exponential Limits

Some of the common formula related to exponents are:

  • limx ⇢ 0  ex – 1 /x = 1
  • limx ⇢ 0  ax – 1 /x = logea
  • limx ⇢ 0 eλx – 1 /x = λ

Read More about Exponents.

Logarithmic Limits

Some of the common formula related to logarithmic limits are:

  • limx ⇢ 0 log(1 + x) /x = 1
  • limx ⇢ e logex = 1
  • limx ⇢ 0 loge(1 – x) /x  = -1
  • limx ⇢ 0 loga(1 + x) /x = logae

Important Limit Results

Some of the important results involving limits are:

  1. limx⇢0 (1+x)^{\frac{1}{x}}  = e
  2. limx⇢0 \left( 1+\frac{1}{x} \right)^x  = e
  3. limx⇢0 \frac{e^x-1}{x} =1
  4. limx⇢0\frac{a^x-1}{x}  = logea
  5. limx⇢0 \frac{1-cosmx}{x^2}  = m2/2
  6. limx⇢0 \frac{1-cosmx}{1-cosnx} = \frac{m^2}{n^2}

Some Shortcut Formulas

  1. limx⇢0 \left( 1+ \frac{a}{b}x \right)^\frac{c}{dx} = e^\frac{ac}{bd}
  2. limx⇢0 \left( 1+ \frac{a}{bx} \right)^\frac{cx}{d} = e^\frac{ac}{bd}
  3. limx⇢a f(x)g(x) = e^{limx\to a\left[ f(x)-1 \right].g(x)}

Sample Problem on Limit Formula

Question 1: Solve, limx⇢0  (x – sinx ) /(1 – cosx).


Using L-hospital,

limx ⇢ 0 (1 – cosx) / (sinx)

limx ⇢ 0 sinx / cosx = sin(0) / cos(0) = 0/1 = 0

Question 2: Solve, limx ⇢ 0 (e2x -1) / sin4x.


Using L-hospital 

limx ⇢ 0 (2)(e2x) / cos4x

limx ⇢ 0  2(e0) / cos4(0) = 2/1= 2

Question 3: Solve, limx ⇢ 0 (1 – cosx) / x2


Using L-hospital 

limx ⇢ 0 sinx /2x = 1/2 {sinx/x = 1}

Question 4: Solve, limx ⇢ ∞ \frac{x+sinx}{x}


limx ⇢ ∞ (1 + \frac{sinx}{x}        )

1 + limx ⇢ ∞ \frac{sinx}{x}

As we know, x = ∞  

So 1/x = 0

1 + lim\frac{1}{x}⇢∞ \frac{sin\frac{1}{x}}{x}

1 + 0 = 0                                                                                                                                                 

Question 5: Solve, limx ⇢ π/2 (tanx)cosx 


let Y = limx ⇢ π/2  (tanx)cosx

Taking loge both sides,

 logeY = limx ⇢ π/2  loge(tanx)cosx 

 logeY = limx ⇢ π/2  cosx loge(tanx)

logey = limx ⇢ π/2 loge(tanx)/secx

Using l-hospital,

logey = limx ⇢ π/2 cosx /sin2x = 0

Now, taking exponent on both sides,

Y = limx ⇢ π/2 e0 

Y = limx ⇢ π/2  (tanx)cosx = 1  

Question 6: limx ⇢ 0  \frac {e^x -(1+x+ \frac {x^2}{2})}{ x^3}


limx⇢0 \frac{1+\frac{x}{1!} + \frac{x2}{2!} + \frac{x3}{3!} – ( 1+ x+ \frac{x2}{2!} ) }{x3}

limx⇢0 \frac{\frac{x3}{3!}}{x3}  = 1/3! =1/6

Question 7: Solve, lima ⇢ 0  \frac{x^a-1}{a}


Using l-hospital (Differentiating numerator and denominator w.r.t a)  

lima ⇢ 0  xalogx = logx

Question 8: Solve, limx ⇢ 0 \frac{x^2+x-sinx}{x^2}


limx ⇢ 0 \frac{x^2+x-(x-x^3/3!)}{x^2}

limx ⇢ 0 1 + x/3! = 1

Practice Problems on Limit Formula

Problem 1: Simplify.

  • limx→2(3x + 4)
  • limx→-1(x2 + 2x + 1)
  • limx→0(sin2x/2x)
  • limx→3[(x2 – 9)/(x – 3)]
  • limx→∞[(5x + 7)/(2x – 3)]
  • limx→0[(1 – cos x)/x]
  • limx→-∞(2x3 − x2 + x)
  • limx→∞(e-x)
  • limx→0[(ex – 1)/x]
  • limx→∞[(2x2 − 5x + 3​)/(x – 3)]

FAQs on Limit Formula

What is a limit in calculus?

A limit in calculus describes the value that a function approaches as the input (or variable) approaches a certain point.

How do you evaluate a limit?

Limits can be evaluated using various methods, such as direct substitution, factoring, rationalizing, using special limit formulas, and applying the squeeze theorem or L’Hôpital’s rule.

What are some basic limit formulas?

Some basic limit formulas include:

limx→c​k = k
limx→cx = c
limx→c[f(x) + g(x)] = limx→c​f(x) + limx→cg(x)
limx→c[f(x) − g(x)] = limx→c​f(x) − limx→c​g(x)

What is the limit of a constant?

The limit of a constant k as x approaches any value is the constant itself i.e., limx→c​k = k.

What is the Squeeze Theorem?

The Squeeze Theorem states that if f(x) ≤ g(x) ≤ h(x) for all x near c (except possibly at c) and limx→c​f(x) = limx→ch(x) = L then

limx→cg(x) = L

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