LiFi: The path to a new way of communication

We all must have heard and used wifi for communication, but what if I say that there is a technology that is 100 times faster than current average wifi speeds! Yes, this technology exists, and this is known as Light Fidelity (LiFi). So this article we will understand the LiFi concept in detail and its advantages over wifi and its real-world use in industries.

What is LiFi ?

LiFi, also known as LIGHT FIDELITY, is a both-sided wireless communication system that releases information via LED (Light Emitting Device) or Infrared Light. LiFi technology was the first time it came into use in the year 2011. LiFi is an extension of WIFI Communication which requires a light source for data sending and communication on the internet. The most significant feature of LiFi is that it’s most faster than WIFI communication. LiFi increases the speed and bandwidth of wifi, 3G, and 4G.  LiFi transmission speeds can go over 100 Gbps, 14 times faster than WIFI Communication, also known as the world’s fastest wifi. The interference or the obstacles are less during the communication process, so in seawater, it is preferable to use LiFi as WIFI communication can have numerous interference while communicating. The founder of the father of this technology is Professor Harald Hass.

The Li-Fi circuit is used consists of mainly three sub-assemblies

  1. RF Driver – RF Driver is used for controlling or handling the circuit for digital and analog lighting controls.
  2. Emitter – An emitter device is used to emit or generate charged particles.
  3. Power Supply: Power Supply is an electrical device used to supply electrical power to an electrical load for operation.

How LiFi work?

  1. The working or the implementation of LiFi is not very complex like WIFI communication. It is straightforward to send information through the LED light bulb, which emits pulsed light to receivers. After that, the receiver collects the sent data or information and understands the transmitted data.
  2. The LED bulb can be toggled on and off instantly for more reliable communication and for saving power. So only the things we require for this communication are some LEDs Bulbs and a controller that codes into those LEDs Bulbs.
  3. In some cases, we need to alter or modify the rate of transmission in which the lED bulb flash depending upon the information we want to encode.
  4. As we stated above, the Light source is the main component in this communication, so that light source will serve as the central hub for data transmission from one point to another destination point.

Advantages of LiFi :

  1. Every User wants the communication and data transfer should be fast, so LiFi does this for us; its main advantage is the Speed of Transmission. LIFEIrDA-compliant standard-compliant is 10000 times or even faster than the Spectrum used by RADIO waves in WIFI communication or data transfer.
  2. The structure of LiFi is not very complex as WIFI, as Lightboxes are already present in LiFi, so the design is already available and pre-installed.
  3. As the Speed is high, indirectly data transfer rate increases. So the data transfer rate of LiFi is approximately 10 Gbps or sometimes more.
  4. Light is the primary source required in LiFi structure for communication, and luckily Light is already available in natural or artificial ways. Everywhere there is Light, so the Data is present where Light exists.
  5. We all know LEDs use a very minimal amount of energy for their usage or operation. So the energy and cost required for Data Transfer in LiFi are also minimal.
  6. The interference or obstacles in WIFI are more than the LiFi, so LiFi is more secure than the WIFI communication, and this is also an essential advantage regarding LiFi.

Disadvantages of LiFi :

No Thing is perfect! Every aspect has its advantages and disadvantages. So LiFi also has some disadvantages.

  1. LIFI has a minimal area of scope or range also connectivity.
  2. There is an Unavailability of Compatible Technologies.
  3. LIFI can give rise to Light Interference and Light Pollution.
  4. LiFI has Possible cost Implications.
  5. Cannot penetrate through walls.
  6. Interference from external sources i.e. sun, normal bulbs, candles, etc.

Comparison between LiFi and WiFi :




Technology Used Present IrDA compliant devices WLAN 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ad standard-compliant devices
Privacy In LiFi, light does not pass through the walls and hence will provide a much more secure data transfer In WiFi, RF signal passes through the walls and hence there is a need to employ techniques to achieve secure data transfer.
Speed 10 Gbps 150 Mbps
Interference Less Interference and Obstacles while Communication High Interference and Obstacles while Communication
Data density Works in the high dense environment Works in the less dense environment due to interference-related issues
Cost Less Cost (No extra Requirements) High Cost (Due to Complex Structure)
Application Underwater communication, EMI-sensitive environments, Dense urban environments. wi-fi hotspot.
Data transfer speed,  About 1 Gbps WLAN-11n offers 150Mbps About 1-2 Gbps can be achieved using WiGig/Giga-IR
Area LiFi covers 10 meters of area. WiFi covered 30 meters of area.
Standard IEEE 802.15.7 IEEE 802.11

Real-World Applications of LiFi :

  1. LiFi is Used in airlines
  2. LiFi is used in Undersea explorations or Seawaters
  3. LiFi is used in Operation theatres in the hospitals
  4. LiFi is used in Home premises for data transfer
  5. LiFi is used in Internet browsing
  6. LiFi is used in Security
  7. LiFi is used in Dense urban environments
  8. LiFi is used in Education systems
  9. LiFi is used in Cellular communication
  10. LiFi is used in Disaster management

Will LiFi replace WIFI in the future?

In my opinion, The answer will be No, As LiFi is an extension of the WIFI network or Wireless Communication. LiFi doesn’t work through large-scale obstacles in transferring data, while WIFI can work with these obstacles. A collaboration of LAN Network, WLAN Network, and LiFi technology can be formed, or there is a possibility of combining these technologies. LiFi is possibly used at the top of buildings to transmit data without any interference and interruptions. If a person is traveling and does not have LiFi enabled light or LED nearby, he will not connect to the internet. Despite the fast transmission speed and the few benefits of WIFI, LiFi isn’t likely to replace WIFI anyhow.

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