Life in Ganga-Brahmaputra Basin

Human climate connection is the manner in which individuals adjust and alter the climate. There are 3 kinds of human climate association

  • The manner in which individuals rely upon the climate for food, water, wood, gaseous petrol and so on.
  • The way individuals adapt to the climate to satisfy their own requirements.
  • The manner in which individuals change the climate emphatically or adversely like boring openings, building dams.

There are in excess of seven billion lives on Earth. Every one of them are portions of the total environment. The world’s current circumstance gives us our fundamental necessities, and normally, a considerable lot of us have similar prerequisites as others professionally. These fundamental requirements incorporate food, fabric, and haven. Subsequently, regardless of our particular appearance, qualities, and societies, we are generally similar species. To this end human-climate connections of the Tropical and Subtropical Regions of the planet are significant for learning the different parts of its natural life, populace, and so on.

Life in ganga-brahmaputra basin

The Ganga-Brahmaputra basin, known as the world’s second largest hydrological region, is also one of the most experienced nurturers of people in the Indian subcontinent. The bowl is possibly the finest example of humanity’s relationship with the environment. This bowl of the Ganga and Brahmaputra rivers, planned in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent, is the mother of many eras.

The basin is formed by the multiple feeders from the Ganga and Brahmaputra waterways. The Ghaghra, Son, Gandhak, Chambal, and Kosi are some of the Ganga or Ganges sources that join the basin. Teesta and Meghna are the feeders of the Brahmaputra who join the bowl. The Ganga and Brahmaputra rivers flow from the Himalayas. Following their appropriate path, the Brahmaputra River flows into many countries such as Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, and Nepal. It travels across northern India, specifically Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Haryana. One of the most thickly populated bowls on the planet is likewise the most elevated prolific place that is known for the sub-mainland. The basin is formed by the convergence of farmland and mountains. The size of this bowl distinguishes it from others. The bowl is located in the middle of the fields of the Ganga and the Brahmaputra rivers, with the Himalayas and the Sundarban’s delta as prominent features..


Because the bowl is located in the subtropical region of the planet’s northern equator, the climate here is hot in the summer and cold in the winter. As a storm-prone location, the bowl has heavy rainfall between the months of June and September.

Various Topography 

Climate and natural forces determine the population in the bowl. For example, we find fewer people in the sloping portions of the Ganga and Brahmaputra rivers than in the plain areas surrounding the bowl. This location is inhabitable due to the dangerous slants of the mountains. People prefer to dwell in plain areas due to a variety of characteristics such as ripeness and cultivability. The terrain near the bowl is particularly fertile, making it suitable for farming.

Agribusiness is the primary vocation practised in the bowl for obvious reasons. Paddy is the main crop grown in this region, with maize, sorghum, millets, and grains as supplementary crops. Cash crops such as jute and sugarcane are also grown in some places. Since the bowl begins from the north and ends in the upper east we find an assortment of development patterns in the bowl district. In addition to these crops, we notice a banana plantation and a tea manor. Terrace cultivation is the major mode of agribusiness here. Patio cultivating is cultivating where the slants are cut into steps. Using porch cultivating for growing yields helps in improved development outcomes by not allowing the soil to lose its fruitfulness. Being a storm inclined region it is fundamental patio cultivating in the bowl helps in the rising development as well as mitigates issues connected with fruitlessness and soil disintegration.

Vegetation Cover of the Basin

The flora patterns in the bowl vary depending on the type of landforms surrounding it. We look for tropical deciduous trees along the Ganga and Brahmaputra rivers. Sal, Teak, and Peepal are some common trees here. The Brahmaputra plain, in particular, features thick bamboo forests, whereas the delta region has a lot of mangrove swamps. As we descend the bowl into Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh, we see coniferous trees like as Deodar, Pine, and Fir. Because the climate surrounding there is rather cold, coniferous trees are abundant here.

Untamed life 

A shifting untamed life also lives in the Ganga Brahmaputra bowl. The delta is home to one-horned rhinoceroses, crocodiles, gators, and Bengal tigers. The marine species found in overflow in the streams and lakes around the bowl include Rohu, Hilsa, Catla, and Susu (Blind Dolphin).


The Ganga Brahmaputra basin is surrounded by several notable metropolitan settlements and cities. The Ganga River flows through densely populated cities like as Allahabad, Varanasi, Kanpur, Lucknow, Kolkata, and Patna. The Brahmaputra River flows through the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangladesh.


The bowl has several different modes of transportation. Because of its relevance due to its proximity to notable urban centers, all four modes of transportation are available here. In the Sub-landmass, the Ganga Brahmaputra Basin has been a witness to various centuries of humans. Consequently, it is an unbelievable illustration of human cooperation with the climate. In any case, because of the developing populace and ceaseless yearnings of people, the bowl has begun to give indications of exhaustion. Contamination, both of air and water, can devastate the bowl’s habitat sooner rather than later. The signs are concerning, but the true consequence might be disastrous for both us and the environment.


The demography of the locale relies on different elements like the geology of the district, the environment, precipitation, infrastructural offices, occupation open doors, and so forth. The fields of the bowl are thickly populated like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh & Madhya Pradesh, and so on. The mountain districts of the bowl are having less populace like Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and so forth.

Sample Questions

Question 1: What are the primary highlights of the way of life in the Ganga-Brahmaputra bowl?


The primary elements of this stream bowl are:

  • A prolific belt that incorporates a large portion of east and north India.
  • Alluvial soil is a rich source.
  • Fields are dotted with lakes formed by bull bows.
  • The northern zone is bounded by the Himalayas and its lower regions.
  • Its eastern end is famous for its Sundarbans delta.

Question 2: For what reason is the Ganga Brahmaputra bowl generally appropriate for human homes?


The mountain regions with steep slants have unwelcoming landscape. Subsequently less number of individuals live in the mountain region of the Ganga-Brahmaputra bowl. The plain region gives the most reasonable land to human residence. The dirt is fruitful.

Question 3: Which creatures are found in the Ganga Brahmaputra bowl?


Elephants, monkeys , deer, tigers, and are normal. In the Brahmaputra valley, the one-horned rhinoceros is found. In the delta district, crocodiles, Bengal tigers, and gators are found. Oceanic Life has large amounts of the new stream waters, the lakes and the Bay of Bengal Sea.

Question 4: What makes the Ganga Brahmaputra bowl a renowned place of interest?


The most unmistakable piece of the Ganga Brahmaputra bowl in the travel industry is the Sundarban woodlands arranged at the delta of the streams after which the waterway waters conversion at the ocean. This piece has the greatest bog backwoods where there are some regular verdure which draws in sightseers from all areas of the planet.

Question 5: What sort of regular vegetation is found in the Ganga Brahmaputra bowl?


The Ganga-Brahmaputra bowl has rich and fluctuated normal vegetation. Tropical deciduous woods are tracked down in the plain district of the bowl. A few primary types of trees are sal , teak, and peepal. Thick bamboo fills in the Brahmaputra plain.

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