Less.js Mixins Aliasing Mixins

LESS is a Leaner Style Sheets, a simple CSS pre-processor that facilitates the creation of manageable, customizable, and reusable style sheets for websites. It is a dynamic style sheet language that enhances the working power of CSS. LESS supports cross-browser compatibility. CSS pre-processor is a scripting language that improves CSS and gets compiled into regular CSS syntax so that the web browser can use it. It is also a backward-compatible language extension for CSS that provides functionalities like variables, functions, mixins, and operations that enable us to build dynamic CSS.

Mixins: Mixins in LESS, along with understanding their implementation and usage through the example. A CSS preprocessor is a program that generates the CSS code by using the defined preprocessor ruleset and facilitates reducing the overall complexity of CSS code. LESS is a CSS preprocessor that is a CSS backward-compatible language extension. Mixins in LESS, are a way to include a bunch of CSS properties from one ruleset to another i.e multiple times in the same file.

Aliasing Mixins: In aliasing mixins, Assigning mixin calls to a variable. And mixins can be assigned to a variable to be called a variable call or and also can be used for map lookup.

  • @alias(); 

Parameter: Entire mixin can be called a variable call.


#alias.dark.mixin {
    .colors(...) {

Example 1: The following examples, demonstrates the use of aliasing mixins.


<!doctype html>
    <title>Mixin Guards</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet"
<body class="mixin"><br><br>
    <h3>Learning Less.js Mixins Aliasing Mixins ...</h3>

style.less: Create less file to use the aliasing mixins.


#alias.dark.mixin {
    .colors(light) {
        primary: red;
    .colors(dark) {
        primary: green;
        secondary: blue;     
.mixin {
    @colors: #alias.dark.mixin.colors(dark);
    color: @colors[primary];
    border: 4px solid @colors[secondary];
    text-align: center;
h3 {

Now, to compile the above LESS code to CSS code, run the following command:

less style.less style.css

The compiled CSS file comes to be: 



.mixin {
    color: green;
    background: black;
    border: 4px solid blue;
    text-align: center;
h3 {
    color: white;



Example 2: The following examples, demonstrates the use of aliasing mixins in less.


<!doctype html>
    <title>Mixin Guards</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet"
<body class="style"><br><br>
    <h3>Learning Less.js Mixins Aliasing Mixins ...</h3>

style.less: Create the less file to use the aliasing mixins.


#Variables() {
    .mixin() {
        background: black;
        font-size: x-large;
        text-align: center;       
h3 {
.style {
    @alias: #Variables.mixin();

Now, to compile the above LESS code to CSS code, run the following command:

less style.less style.css

The compiled CSS file comes to be: 



h3 {
    color: white;
.style {
    color: green;
    background: black;
    font-size: x-large;
    text-align: center;



Reference: https://lesscss.org/features/#mixins-feature-mixin-aliasing-feature

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