Why Employers Do Not Respond After Interviews?

Not getting a response from the interviewer is not a rare scenario. There can be numerous reasons that you did not get a call back after the interview, few of the reasons are listed below:

  • The interviewer was not impressed by you
  • The interviewer is still in process of interviews with other candidates
  • No final decision has been made from the end of the interviews
  • The interviewer has not given complete feedback to the employer/higher authorities
  • The management is busy with some important task 

Interview Follow Up: No Response After an Interview? – Here’s What To Do

Interviews are scary! And the one who is not afraid might be very confident about getting hired. But waiting for a call from the employer, after the interview, is a bit frustrating. You keep on thinking that you’ve been through the interview process and think it went well. So, why haven’t you heard back? It can be disappointing, confusing, and even a little bit intimidating when you don’t hear back from a potential employer after an interview.


In the meantime, you start having numerous thoughts regarding the interview and eventually lose your patience. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. Here are a few things you can do if you find yourself in this situation.

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Why Employers Do Not Respond After Interviews?

Not getting a response from the interviewer is not a rare scenario. There can be numerous reasons that you did not get a call back after the interview, few of the reasons are listed below:...


No response after an interview can be frustrating, but it’s important to stay calm and follow up with the employer. If you still don’t hear back after following up, it might be time to move on. Keep your head up and keep applying for jobs until you find the perfect fit!...

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