What is VLOOKUP in Excel?

VLOOKUP means ‘Vertical Lookup’. A capability makes Excel look for a specific worth in a segment (the purported ‘table cluster’), to return a worth from an alternate section in a similar column. This article will show you how to utilize the VLOOKUP capability.

A VLOOKUP capability exists in 4 parts,

  • The worth you need to turn upward;
  • The reach wherein you need to find the worth and bring esteem back;
  • The quantity of the section inside your characterized range, that contains the bring esteem back;
  • 0 or FALSE for an accurate coordinate with the worth you are searching for; 1 or TRUE for an estimated match.

Syntax: VLOOKUP([value], [range], [column number], [false or true])

In our model, we have a rundown of Names, Height, and Weights. We need to find the Height of Sai rapidly in this table. In the first place, select a cell in which you need to distribute the Height:


Along these lines, in our chosen cell we begin composing: =VLOOKUP( :


Then, at that point, we select the worth we need to look into, for this situation, it’s ‘Sai’ in cell F3,


Next, we enter ‘,’ and select the reach (or table cluster) in which we need to find the query esteem and the bring esteem back. For this situation it is range (B2:D8):


Then, at that point, we enter ‘,’ and the quantity of the section inside the characterized range wherein we need to search for the bring esteem back. For this situation, it is segment 2, trailed by ‘,’ and ‘0’ or Misleading for a definite coordinate with the query esteem ‘Sai’:


At the point when we press enter, we get the comparing cost from the column that holds esteem ‘Sai’ inside the chosen table exhibit:


In this model we just have a little rundown of names, however, envision you have a considerable rundown of information and you wish to utilize a specific worth somewhere else in your bookkeeping sheet. Utilizing VLOOKUP (and HLOOKUP) the client just needs to change a specific worth in one worksheet and it will consequently be changed in any remaining significant spots. Be that as it may, imagine a scenario in which we’re unsure about the query esteem. This is the point at which the estimated match may be valuable.

Why INDEX MATCH is Better Than VLOOKUP in Excel

While choosing which vertical query recipe to utilize, most Excel specialists concur that INDEX MATCH is a preferable equation over VLOOKUP. Be that as it may, many individuals actually resort to utilizing VLOOKUP in light of the fact that it’s a less difficult recipe. One significant driver of this issue is that a great many people actually don’t completely grasp the advantages of changing from VLOOKUP, and without such comprehension, they are reluctant to contribute an opportunity to gain proficiency with the more mind-boggling equation. The motivation behind this post is to exhaustively every one of the advantages of utilizing INDEX MATCH and persuade you that you ought to utilize INDEX MATCH solely for your upward queries as a whole.

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FAQs on Why INDEX MATCH is Better Than VLOOKUP in Excel

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