What is the Need for Responding to Rejection Emails?

That is something that comes to the mind of many individuals while going through the drudgery of the recruitment process. If one has applied to multiple companies and gotten a lot of such emails, that feels even more discouraging. 

So, is it really important to respond to such job rejection emails any longer? 

The answer is yes. From a professional standpoint, sending a professional response to the recruiter about the job rejection is customary and highly respectful. Especially if you receive the job rejection note after going through the interview phase or multiple rounds of it. 

Sending a well-crafted professional response to the rejection creates a good impression on the recruiters. There are multiple reasons for the rejection, like how 88% of recruiters’ rejection relates to the lacking of good photos in the CV.  

They may still find you a good candidate and may consider your application for other work options if you maintain a cordial and professional front. 

If you are still wondering why you should reply to such emails, here are some common reasons

1. Professionalism is Maintained: Consider this- you are speaking to someone directly, and they turn around and walk away without responding. This act is uncourteous and offensive to the speaker and shows a lack of maturity. Therefore, when applying the same to professional conversations, it is unprofessional and rude to not reply to a recruiter’s email. Even sending a “thank you for your time” message is graceful. 

2. More Potential Opportunities: It is possible that the company rejected you due to other reasons. Examples include a lack of open positions or finding a better-suited applicant for the job. Indeed, these do not imply that they do not find your capacity to be high, just not a right fit for them at the time. Therefore, sending a thoughtful and polite response may impress them and make them save your CV for future open positions. 

3. Gain Necessary Feedback: In case the reason for the rejection is due to something you did or said wrong in the interview phase, it is better to know it. So, prepare a response requesting feedback on what you can improve. Then, apply the suggestions for your next application. 

How to Respond to a Job Rejection Email?

The job market is extremely intensive, with many job aspirants from different locations vying for the same spot. If a company is a reputed and high-earning business, the competition is even more cutthroat and strong. So, job applicants should send their resumes and cover letters to various companies for higher chances of getting accepted. On average, all corporate job positions open for recruitment gets 250 resumes


Out of this number, 4-6 applicants get the chance for an interview, and then only one is selected. For the rest of the candidates, the recruitment team members send job rejection alerts to the ones who applied. If you are one of the applicants that got a rejection email, how should you properly respond to it? Maintaining a dignified and cordial behavior even in accepting rejections shows a good impression overall. Here, you will get some of the best tips on how to properly respond to job rejection emails. 

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