What is a CSRF?

CSRF means cross-site request forgery. In this type of attack, the attacker sends a link in the form of sms, email, or chat. In this way, the attacker tricks the user who is already authenticated on the website to perform various actions such as transfer of funds, change of email, and so on. Depending upon the nature of the attack the attacker may take full access to the account.

Syntax of CSRF Token in Django

 {% csrf_token %} 

CSRF token in Django

Django provides a feature known as a CSRF token to get away from CSRF attacks that can be very dangerous. when the session of the user starts on a website, a token is generated which is then cross-verified with the token present with the request whenever a request is being processed.

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What is a CSRF?

CSRF means cross-site request forgery. In this type of attack, the attacker sends a link in the form of sms, email, or chat. In this way, the attacker tricks the user who is already authenticated on the website to perform various actions such as transfer of funds, change of email, and so on. Depending upon the nature of the attack the attacker may take full access to the account....

What is CSRF Token in Django?

Django provides a feature to prevent such types of malicious attacks. When a user is authenticated and surfing on the website, Django generates a unique CSRF token for each session. This token is included in forms or requests sent by the user and is checked by the server to verify that the request is coming from the authenticated user and not from a malicious source....

Working of CSRF Protection

To understand this let us take an example. Suppose you are logged into the website. The attacker sends a link with the help of an email, chat, or with the use of sms. The link contains the request which the attacker wants to be performed. As the user is already authenticated on the website the request is completed when he clicks on the link. This type of request is very dangerous as it may take complete access to the data and other harmful actions may be performed such as transfer of funds, change of email and so on....

How to Use Django’s CSRF Middleware?


How Does the CSRF Token Work?

We need to add django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware in the settings.py file to enable it. By default, Django already has this enabled, as in the following example:...

Using CSRF protection with AJAX


Another way to use CSRF protection in Jinja2 Templates


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