What Information to Provide When Reporting?

Detailed information helps law enforcement investigate effectively. Gather the following before you report:

  • Type of crime: What happened (hacking, scam, etc.)?
  • Date, time, location: When did it occur? Where were you and where was the perpetrator (if known)?
  • How it happened: Describe the events in detail (emails, websites, transactions, etc.).
  • Suspect information: Any details about the perpetrator (usernames, IP addresses if applicable).
  • Financial losses: Exact amounts and transaction records.
  • Other evidence: Screenshots, emails, website addresses, etc.

Where to Report Cyber Crime in US ?

The internet has become an undeniably integral part of modern life. Unfortunately, its benefits come with the risk of cybercrime. If you fall victim, knowing where to report the crime is vital to stopping the perpetrators and potentially recovering losses.

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