What are Water-Soluble Vitamins?

The water-soluble vitamins are just opposite to the fat-soluble vitamins and these vitamins are soluble in water. The folate, niacin, thiamine, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6 and B12, riboflavin, and vitamin C falls under water-soluble vitamins. Unlike fat-soluble vitamins, it’s not stored in the body and thus human body requires a continuous supply of water-soluble vitamins, as the excess water-soluble vitamins that are of no use, are excreted out through urine. Water-soluble vitamins are mainly found in fruits, grains, and vegetables, and also these vitamins are vulnerable to heat and thus can even be destroyed by the heat of boiling while cooking. 

Difference Between Fat Soluble and Water Soluble Vitamins

The human body needs a variety of micronutrients and minerals for proper functioning; among these micronutrients, vitamins are the essential ones. There are 13 essential vitamins that help properly function and maintain growth in the human body. The intake of vitamins depends upon your daily diet and it must contain an ample amount of essential vitamins. However, the proper functioning and growth of a human body depend upon how these vitamins are metabolized or absorbed by your body. Vitamins are classified mainly on the basis of their solubility, for example, some vitamins are fat-soluble, while the rest are water-soluble.

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What are Water-Soluble Vitamins?

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Difference Between Fat Soluble and Water Soluble Vitamins

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Importance of Fat-Soluble Vitamins

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Importance of Water-Soluble Vitamins

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The human body requires an ample amount of both water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins for proper growth of the body. As the fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the human body, their regular consumption is not required, however, water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body, thus regular consumption of them is required. Also, excess intake of these vitamins can also lead to many serious heart diseases. However water-soluble vitamins are less toxic than fat-soluble vitamins. Thus it’s important to take a balanced diet with an ample amount of all these vitamins....


Q1. What are the main sources of fat-soluble vitamins?...

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