What are Wait Commands in Selenium?

In selenium, there are mainly three types of Wait commands:

The implicit wait tells WebDriver to wait a certain amount of time before throwing an exception when positioning elements. This is set globally for the lifetime of the WebDriver instance. If the element is not immediately available, Implicit Wait will wait the specified amount of time before throwing a “NoSuchElementException”. It is important to note that implicit waits can result in longer execution times. . if it is set to an unnecessarily large value. When searching for elements, WebDriver will wait for a specified amount of time before throwing a NoSuchElementException if the element is not immediately available in the DOM.

Explicit wait allows you to wait for a certain condition to be met before proceeding with the next steps in the test script. Unlike implicit wait, direct wait waits for a certain condition to be fulfilled within a certain time This is only used for certain elements where a condition is expected. You can define custom conditions using the ‘ExpectedConditions’ class, such as element visibility, clickable element, element presence, etc. Unlike Implicit Wait, which applies globally to all elements, Explicit Wait is applied selectively to specific elements or actions, offering more precise control. It is achieved by defining custom conditions using the ExpectedConditions class, such as element visibility or clickability, and specifying a maximum wait time. Explicit Wait enhances the reliability and stability of test scripts by ensuring actions are performed only when the desired conditions are met, thus improving the accuracy of test execution.

Fluent Wait:

Fluent Expectation is an enhancement to Explicit A wait that provides wait conditions over more flexibility and control. It is also known as Fluent Wait. It allows you to specify the maximum time to wait for a condition and the frequency of checking the condition. Fluent Wait is useful when dealing with dynamic elements or conditions that can change over time, during test execution. Unlike explicit wait, Fluent Wait can allow some type of wait period to ignore exceptions, making it more efficient at handling unexpected scenarios.

What is Fluent Wait in Selenium?

Selenium has rock web automation testing that has allowed testers to mimic interactions with web applications that users may have performed in the past. Yet, one of the drawbacks of automated testing is that dynamic web elements may not be generally available during testing or appear inconsistent.

Table of Content

  • What are Wait Commands in Selenium?
  • Why do Users Need Selenium to Wait for Commands?
  • What is Fluent Wait in Selenium?
  • Syntax of Fluent Wait in Selenium
  • Different Features of Fluent Wait
  • Example of Selenium Code
  • Conclusion

To resolve this issue, we are here with the Wait Commands in Selenium.

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Fluent Wait in Selenium WebDriver provides a flexible and robust solution for handling dynamic web elements and asynchronous behavior in test automation. Fluent Wait improves the reliability and stability of automation scripts by allowing testers to set maximum wait times, polling intervals, and custom conditions. Its dynamic nature and exception handling capabilities make it a valuable tool for ensuring accurate and efficient testing of web applications. Incorporating Fluent Wait into your Selenium workflows can significantly improve the efficiency and reliability of your test automation.....

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