Users View

When the user acquires software, he/she always expect a high-quality software. When end users develop their software then quality is different. End-user programming, a phrase popularized by which is programming to achieve the result of a program primarily for personal, rather than public use.

  1. The important distinction here is that software itself is not primarily intended for use by many users with varying needs. 
  2. For example, a teacher may write a spreadsheet to track student’s test scores.
  3. In these end-user programming situations, the program is a means to an end that could be used to accomplish a goal.
  4. In contradiction to end-user programming, professional programming has the goal of producing software for others to use. 
  5. For example, the moment a novice Web developer moves from designing a web page for himself to designing a Web page for others, the nature of this activity has changed. 
  6. Users find software quality as a fit between their goals and software’s functionality.
  7. The better the quality, the more likely the user will be satisfied with the soft-ware.
  8. When the quality is bad, developers must meet user needs or face a diminishing demand for their software.

Therefore, the user understands quality as fitness for purpose. Avoiding complexity and keeping software simple, considerably lessens the implementation risk of software. In some instances, users abandoned the implementation of a complex software because the software developers were expecting the users to change their business and to go with the way the software works. 

Software Quality Framework – Software Engineering

Software Quality Framework is a model for software quality that ensures quality by connecting and integrating the different views of software quality. This article focuses on discussing the Software Quality Framework.

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