Types of Winds Overview

Here is the complete overview of Types of Wind:

Classification Description
Primary Classification
Trade Winds Prevailing easterly winds located near the equator, moving towards the west. Common in tropical regions.
Westerlies Prevailing westerly winds are found in the mid-latitudes, moving from west to east.
Polar Easterlies Cold easterly winds near the poles, flowing from east to west.
Secondary Classification
Monsoons Seasonal winds are associated with the changing monsoon seasons, bringing wet and dry periods. Common in South Asia.
Local Winds Winds influenced by local geography, such as sea breezes, land breezes, and mountain/valley winds.
Specialized Winds
Katabatic Winds Cold, dense air moving downslope under the influence of gravity. Common in mountainous regions.
Chinook Winds Warm, dry winds that occur on the leeward side of a mountain range. Common in the Rockies.
Haboob Intense dust or sandstorm carried by a gust front in arid regions, often associated with thunderstorms.
Tropical Cyclones
Hurricanes (Atlantic) Intense tropical cyclones in the Atlantic and northeastern Pacific, with strong winds and heavy rainfall.
Typhoons (Northwest Pacific) Strong tropical cyclones in the northwest Pacific, equivalent to hurricanes.
Cyclones (Southwest Pacific and Indian Ocean) Intense tropical cyclones in the southwest Pacific and Indian Ocean.
Local Phenomena
Tornadoes Violently rotating columns of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground, with destructive potential.
Dust Devils Small, well-formed whirlwinds that are not associated with a thunderstorm, common in arid areas.

Types of Wind (List)

A moving air caused by the difference in the air pressure is called wind. The movement of the wind is from a high-pressure area to a low-pressure area to maintain the balance in air pressure. The more disparity in the air pressure, the faster the wind blows.

In this article, We have discussed the Types of winds in Detail.

Let’s dive right in.

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