Types of User Flow

  • Task flow: Task flow focuses on a single task performed by a user. It does not show the entire solution flow.These are helpful in figuring out the steps taken by user to complete a task. These are usually linear and sequential and avoids loop and branches.These static and reflect the thought process of the developer.
  • Wire flows: Wire flows show the relationship between screens and the data that flows between them. Once you know how your users will behave and how many pages or screens you need to create, wireflow is best tool to employ.It is represents structure of a system and how the different screens are connected. It is only taken into action after one low-fidelity prototype is ready. It is little complicated than task flow.
  • UI Flow/Screen Flow: It is wireflow with high-fidelity mockups. If you need to show how your final design works, screen-flow will be the appropriate method.It gives a more detailed overview of customer flow thus, more data to build a better user experience.

What is the Importance of User Flows in UX ?

The easiest way to understand UX is by asking this question to yourself as a developer “Is the user able to use the product in an efficient manner, the way the developer has intended to use his artifact.” If you are not a professional UX designer, you can understand the User Flow as a Flowchart although these two are different terminologies. User flow begins when the user logs in to the application, performs all actions( search, browse, scroll ), and continues until the user logs out. It includes all logical and computational conditions associated with the user interface.

Importance of User Flows in UX

A user flow is the visual representation of the paths a user can take, in order to achieve a specific goal. In order to determine the sequence of actions that will achieve a desired outcome, user flow diagrams include visual elements such as screens, shapes, and images in combination with connectors.

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Types of User Flow

Task flow: Task flow focuses on a single task performed by a user. It does not show the entire solution flow.These are helpful in figuring out the steps taken by user to complete a task. These are usually linear and sequential and avoids loop and branches.These static and reflect the thought process of the developer. Wire flows: Wire flows show the relationship between screens and the data that flows between them. Once you know how your users will behave and how many pages or screens you need to create, wireflow is best tool to employ.It is represents structure of a system and how the different screens are connected. It is only taken into action after one low-fidelity prototype is ready. It is little complicated than task flow. UI Flow/Screen Flow: It is wireflow with high-fidelity mockups. If you need to show how your final design works, screen-flow will be the appropriate method.It gives a more detailed overview of customer flow thus, more data to build a better user experience....

Role of User Flow in UX

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Key Elements of User Flow

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Benefits of User Flow

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User Flow vs User journey

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Best Practices to Design User Flow

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What Pratices to Avoid

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