Types of Software Assessment

  • Self Assessment : This is conducted internally by the people of their own organisation. 
  • Second Party assessment: This is conducted by an external team or people of the own organisation are supervised by an external team.
  • Third Party assessment:

In an ideal case Software Process Assessment should be performed in a transparent, open and collaborative environment. This is very important for the improvement of the software and the development of the product. The results of the Software Process Assessment are confidential and are only accessible to the company. The assessment team must contain at least one person from the organization that is being assessed. 

Software Process Assessment

Software Process Assessment is a disciplined and organized examination of the software process which is being used by any organization bases the on the process model. The Software Process Assessment includes many fields and parts like identification and characterization of current practices, the ability of current practices to control or avoid significant causes of poor (software) quality, cost, schedule and  identifying areas of strengths and weaknesses of the software.

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