Types of Selenium Waits

Selenium Waits are the mechanism that allows the automation script to pause the execution and wait until certain conditions are met before throwing an error if the element is not found. Selenium Waits helps to synchronize the execution script with the loading time of the website. There are two types of Waits In Selenium they are

  1. Implicit Waits: Implicit Waits is a type of wait which instruct the Web Driver to wait for specific amount of time before throwing an error. It is applied globally.
  2. Explicit Waits: Explicit wait is a type of wait which instructs the Web Driver to wait until a certain condition is met or maximum type is elapsed.

Selenium Waits

Selenium is one of the most popular and powerful tools when it comes to automating web applications. Selenium is widely used for automating user interaction on a web page. One of the crucial aspects of automating web applications in Selenium is handling Dynamic Web applications and ensuring proper synchronization between the testing scripts and loading time of the website, sometimes the element we want to interact with is not available for interaction which may lead to faulty test cases.

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