Types of Port

Ports are classified based on the types of traffic they handle and their location. Here are the different types of ports:

Types of ports based on cargo handled:

(i) Industrial Ports: Specialize in handling bulk cargo like grain, sugar, ore, oil, and chemicals.

(ii) Commercial Ports: Handle general cargo such as packaged products and manufactured goods, as well as passenger traffic.

(iii) Comprehensive Ports: Handle both bulk and general cargo in large volumes and are among the world’s major ports.

Types of ports based on location:

(i) Inland Ports: Located away from the coast and linked to the sea through rivers or canals. Accessible to flat-bottom ships or barges.

(ii) Out Ports: Deepwater ports built away from main ports, serving large ships that cannot approach the main port.

Types of ports based on specialized functions:

(i) Oil Ports: Deal with processing and shipping of oil, including tanker ports and refinery ports.

(ii) Ports of Call: Developed as stopping points on sea routes for refueling, watering, and provisioning, later evolving into commercial ports.

(iii) Packet Stations: Exclusively concerned with transporting passengers and mail across short distances, occurring in pairs across water bodies.

(iv) Entrepot Ports: Collection centers for goods from different countries for export.

(v) Naval Ports: Strategically important ports serving warships and providing repair facilities for them.

Chapter 8 International Trade| Class 12 Geography Notes

Class 12 Geography Notes: International Trade is an important topic in CBSE Class 12 Geography. These notes are created by subject experts to help students understand the topic easily. These notes cover important concepts like the significance of international trade, different types of trade, and concerns related to it.

With these notes, students can prepare well for their exams and improve their understanding of the subject.

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