Types of Attendance Management

There are various types of attendance management systems. Some of them are as follows:

1. Manual Attendance Tracking: Employees manually sign in and out on paper time cards or attendance sheets for the manual attendance monitoring method, which is still used today. Despite being straightforward and inexpensive, it can be time-consuming to manage and prone to mistakes.

2. Biometric Attendance System: This precise system tracks employees’ attendance by using biometric identifiers like fingerprints, palm prints, facial recognition, etc.

3. Punch Clocks and Time Clocks: Employees utilise time clocks, which are electrical devices, to clock in and out. The software can be connected to modern time clocks to track attendance automatically.

4. Email or Message System: These are sometimes used by businesses to track employee attendance, especially in cases where workers work remotely or on flexible schedules.

5. Access Control System: These systems manage accessibility to secure areas within a facility, in addition to managing attendance. To visit specific sites, employees must use their access cards or biometrics, which also serves to track their attendance.

6. Integration with HR and Payroll Software: To automate payroll computations, leave management, and adherence reporting, many recent attendance management systems can link easily with HR and payroll software.

7. Proximity Card or RFID System: Employees check in and out using proximity cards or RFID badges. Depending on the system, it can also be used for attendance management.

Attendance Management | Meaning, Importance and Types

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