The Integration of Cults

There were two processes at work:

  • Promoting Brahmanical concepts that were specifically designed to be understood by women and Shudras, who were typically left out of Vedic education.
  • Brahmanas acknowledge and refining their practices and ideas. For instance, the primary deity of the Puri Temple in Orissa was eventually recognised as Jagannatha, also known as the Lord of the World, a manifestation of Vishnu.
  • Such examples of integration may also be seen in goddess cults.
  • Buddhist goddess, associated with Bhakti-Sufism
  • Bihar’s Buddhist deity Marichi serves as an illustration of inclusion.

A Mosaic of Religious Beliefs and Practices| Class 12 History Notes

Chapter 6 of your Class 12 History looks into the vibrant mosaic of religious beliefs and practices that flourished in medieval India, roughly between the 8th and 18th centuries. The chapter discusses the efforts to integrate various cults, with the Brahmanas composing and preserving Puranic texts in accessible language to spread their ideas. In this blog, We’ll look at different religious practices and beliefs, talk about the Mosaic of Religious Practices and Beliefs, and much more!

A Mosaic of Religious Beliefs and Practices| Class 12 History Notes

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