Telephone System -FAQs

What is PSTN?

Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) is the traditional phone system which is used to connect calls around the world. PSTN routes your call through the network, ensuring you can talk to someone on the other end.

What is the function of the telephone system?

The function of a telephone system is to connect people. It takes the sound of your voice, turns it into electrical signals, sends these signals to the person you’re calling, and then turns them back into sound so they can hear you.

What are the differences between ISDN and PSTN ?

PSTN is the traditional analog phone system for voice calls, while ISDN is a digital system that supports both voice and faster data transmission, offering additional features like video conferencing. ISDN modernizes and enhances the capabilities of PSTN.

How Telephone System Works?

Telephone Network is a system that allows people to make voice calls to each other across different locations. It connects telephones using a mix of wires, cables, and switches to route calls from one phone to another, whether they are next door or on the other side of the world. Telephone Network uses Circuit Switching. Originally, the entire network was referred to as a plain old telephone system (POTS).

Pre-requisites: Telephone Network

In this article, We will see how telephone system works and some terminologies related to it. Let’s start with some terminologies related to telephone system.

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Working of Telephone system

Suppose, Someone is making a phone call to you than how it is reach to you? It is through the PSTN and each central office will make a routing decision based on some routing protocols. It is similar to forwarding in routers on internet. Now, This phone call reaches to your local central office and it routes the call to your PBX using one of trunk line you have. PBX will deliver this call to your local phone network (it is depends on how PBX is configured and which phone call is to deliver to which device or devices in local telephone network)....

Telephone System -FAQs

What is PSTN?...

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