Steps to override SCSS of Bootstrap

Step 1: Install bootstrap using following command:

npm i bootstrap sass

Step 2: Create your custom SCSS file and write the variable you want to override. Then include the bootstrap SCSS file using import.

$class_to_override: values;
@import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap"

Step 3: Convert the file to CSS using live server extension or using following command in the terminal

scss custom.scss custom.css

Step 4: Include the converted SCSS file to your HTML after the link tag of Bootstrap CSS

Bootstrap 5 Modal SASS

Bootstrap 5 Modal SASS can be used to change the default values provided for the modal by customizing SCSS file.

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Steps to override SCSS of Bootstrap

Step 1: Install bootstrap using following command:...

Project Structure

The custom SCSS file name is custom.scss” and custom.css” is converted file....

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