Steps Required in Projected Clustering

  • Step 1 Data Reading and Preprocessing – At first we read data coming from different sources and apply preprocessing on it like filling missing values, standardizing the training data, and handling categorical columns. 
  • Step 2 Dimension Reduction – We will choose the subset of dimension in which we want to project our dataset using techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to project the high-dimensional data into a lower-dimensional space.
  • Step 3 Clustering in subspace – We will apply traditional clustering algorithms like k-means to cluster our data from lower dimensional space. 
  • Step 4  Evaluating the clustering – At the end we will evaluate our clusters centroids and data points to check if the data points are clustered into the correct group.  

Input and Output for Projected Clustering: 

Input –

  • The group of data points.
  • A number of clusters, indicated by k.
  • The average number of dimensions for each cluster is indicated by L.

Output –

  • The clusters identified, and the dimensions esteemed to such clusters.

Projected clustering in data analytics

We already know about traditional clustering algorithms like k-means, DBSCAN, or hierarchical clustering that operate on all the dimensions of the data simultaneously. However, in high-dimensional data, clusters might only be present in a few dimensions, making the traditional clustering algorithms less effective. In this case, we use projected clustering.

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Steps Required in Projected Clustering

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