Step-by-step process to creating a specification of the package

Step 1: Create Package specification

First, you can start the ‘CREATE PACKAGE‘ statement. The statement initiates the creation of the package specification and is followed by the package name.

The syntax for creating the package specification:

CREATE PACKAGE package_name AS

Step 2: Declare global variables and constants

This step is optional, if the package requires any global constants or global variables, you can declare the constants and variables in the package specification. If you declare the variables and constants in the package specification, you can access these variables and constants throughout the package.

The syntax for declaring constants and variables:

 g_variable NUMBER := 0;

Step 3: Declare public procedures and functions

In this step, you can define the procedures and functions that you will want to expose other PL/SQL code outside of the package. You can declare every procedure and every function and also with the return type and its parameter.

The syntax for declaring the procedures and functions:

PROCEDURE public_procedure(param1 IN NUMBER, param2 OUT VARCHAR2);

FUNCTION public_function(param IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER;

Step 4: End the package specification

At the end of the package specification, you need to close the package specification with the help of “END” keyword.

The syntax for closing the specification of the package:

END package_name;

PL/SQL Package Specification

PL/SQL ( Procedural Language/Structural Query Language ) is the extension of SQL ( Structured Query Language ) which is allowed to the developers for creating the procedural logic along with the Oracle database. The package is one of the main key componentss of PL/SQL development.

The PL/SQL package is the group of the related procedures, functions, variables, and other bundled constructs for providing the modularity and organized approach to application development. In PL/SQL, the package specification gives the blueprint of the functionalities that are provided by the PL/SQL package.

It is defined by the interface along with the PL/SQL code which interacts with the package. It works like an API ( Application Program Interface ) that defines how the external programs can interact with the software library.

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