Social Life of Vijayanagara Empire

The Vijayanagara Empire had a mixed social life, deeply rooted in Hindu customs. People were divided into castes, but the empire was open to different religions and groups. Big festivals and religious events were important.

Social Condition

  • Foreign travelers’ accounts are key sources for understanding the Vijayanagara Empire’s social life.
  • Domingo Paes, a Portuguese traveler, noted the empire’s prosperity, advanced irrigation, tall buildings, and bustling seaports.
  • Nicolo Dei Conti, another traveler, mentioned the prevalence of slavery and polygamy.
  • Entertainment included dancing, music, wrestling, and gambling.

Condition of Women

  • Sati or self-immolation was a common practice among Hindu widows in Vijayanagara society.
  • Polygamy, dowry, and the Devadasi system were prevalent customs.
  • Domingo Paes observed the flourishing Devadasi system and noted the presence of temple dancing girls.
  • According to Nuniz, many women worked in royal palaces as dancers, servants, and palanquin bearers, with some even being wrestlers.
  • Lingayatism and other socio-religious movements encouraged more flexible social norms, allowing women greater participation in society.
  • Women in South India engaged in administration, business, trade, and the fine arts, breaking traditional gender barriers.
  • Some women were scholars and made significant contributions to art and literature, like Gangadevi, who wrote “Madhura Vijayam.”

Caste System

  • The Hindu caste system was dominant, dividing society into four varnas: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra.
  • A strict hierarchy was observed, with each varna having a community representative.
  • Brahmins occupied the highest position, respected as scholars and literature writers.


  • Duarte Barbosa, a Portuguese traveler, noted that everyone enjoyed religious freedom.
  • Srivaishnavism, founded by Ramanuja, was popular, although the Sangam rulers primarily followed Shaivism and worshiped Lord Virupaksha.
  • The kings tolerated all religions and sects, allowing Muslim communities representation and employment in administration.


  • People mainly relied on farming for their livelihood.
  • In semi-arid areas, they grew corn (jowar), cotton, and pulses, while sugarcane, rice, and wheat thrived in rainy regions.
  • Betel leaves, areca nuts, and coconuts were the main cash crops, supporting the empire’s textile industry with large cotton production.
  • Spices like turmeric, pepper, cardamom, and ginger were cultivated in the Malnad hills and brought to the city for trade.
  • The capital city became a major business hub, with temple construction providing jobs for many masons, sculptors, and artisans.

Social and Cultural Life of Vijayanagar Empire

The Vijayanagar Empire was a patron of literature and arts. Sanskrit and Telugu literature flourished during this period, and the empire contributed to the development of Carnatic music. This empire existed in South India, established by Bukka Raya I and his brother Harihara I in 1336.

In this article, we are going to learn the history of the Vijayanagar Empire along with its Social and Cultural Life.

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