Significance of Neem Tree

The significance of the neem tree are:

  • Neem flowers are used in various treatments including belching, nausea, anorexia, and intestinal worms. According to Ayurveda, its leaves have magical effects on the eyes and are helpful in the treatment of headaches and skin-related issues. 
  • Neem is usually used in personal care industries such as shampoos Industries to treat dandruff, as well as soaps and creams to treat skin diseases like acne, psoriasis, and athlete’s foot. It is also present in some toothpaste and mouthwashes, specifically in the Indian subcontinent.
  • There is some clinical evidence that neem leaves, which have been used for centuries as a traditional remedy for diabetes, may help regulate blood sugar levels. 

Scientific Name of Neem Tree

Scientific name of Neem is Azadirachta indica. The scientific name of neem Azadirachta indica is derived from the Persian word “azad” meaning “free”, “dirkht” meaning “tree”, “indica” meaning hind meaning Indian origin which literally means:’ Freedom tree of India’. The term “Neem” originated from the Sanskrit word “Nimba” which means ‘bestower of good health’. These trees are also referred to as the Nimba tree, Indian lilac, miracle tree, and Margosa Tree.

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Scientific Name of Neem

Neem is a natural herb that originates from the neem tree. Scientific name of Neem is Azadirachta indica. The neem trees have been seen in the Indian subcontinent for 1000 years. These deep-rooted trees consist of several medicinal properties. Neem trees are attractive broad-leaf evergreen plants that are native to northeastern India and have been introduced and established throughout Australia’s tropics and subtropics. It grows rapidly up to 30 m in height and 2.5 m in width. Their spreading branches form spherical crowns that can be up to 20 meters across. These trees are also referred to as the Nimba tree, Indian lilac, miracle tree, and Margosa Tree. Although its taste is bitter, has many advantages and is very effective in many cases. Neem bark paste is useful and helpful in the prevention of all types of skin diseases and wounds. The primary source of neem oil and other natural remedies is the neem tree....

Taxonomic Classification of Neem


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Significance of Neem Tree

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