Self-Organizing maps (SOM)

Kohonen maps, or self-organizing maps (SOM), are an intriguing class of unsupervised neural network models. They work especially well for comprehending and interpreting complex, high-dimensional data. The capacity of SOMs to reduce dimensionality while maintaining the topological linkages in the input data is one of its distinguishing features. A SOM starts with a grid of neurons, each of which represents a particular area of the data space. Through a process of competitive learning, the neurons adjust to the distribution of the input data throughout training. Neighboring neurons change their weights in response to similar data points, making them more sensitive to these patterns. This self-organizing characteristic produces a map that places comparable data points in close proximity to one another, making it possible to see patterns and clusters in the data.

Applications for SOMs can be found in many areas, such as anomaly detection, feature extraction, and data clustering. They play a crucial role in data mining and exploratory analysis because they make it possible to find hidden structures in intricate datasets without the need for labeled data. SOMs are an important tool for unsupervised learning and data visualization because of their capacity to condense information while maintaining linkages.

Unsupervised Neural Network Models

Unsupervised learning is an intriguing area of machine learning that reveals hidden structures and patterns in data without requiring labelled samples. Because it investigates the underlying relationships in data, it’s an effective tool for tasks like anomaly identification, dimensionality reduction, and clustering. There are several uses for unsupervised learning in domains like computer vision, natural language processing, and data analysis. Through self-sufficient data interpretation, it provides insightful information that enhances decision-making and facilitates comprehension of intricate data patterns.

There are many types of unsupervised learning, but here in this article, we will be focusing on Unsupervised neural network models.

Table of Content

  • Unsupervised Neural Network
  • Autoencoder
  • Restricted Boltzmann Machine
  • Self-Organizing maps (SOM)
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
  • Implementation of Restricted Boltzmann Machine
  • Advantages of Unsupervised Neural network models
  • Disadvantages of Unsupervised Neural network models

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Advantages of Unsupervised Neural network models


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