Scatter Chart

Scatter charts are used to understand the correlation between two variables easily. 

A scatter chart always has two value axes: one set of numerical data running horizontally and another set of numerical data running vertically

Each dot in the scatter chart below represents a month, with the horizontal X axis representing the Quarter and the vertical Y axis representing Sales. Power view can distribute these data points evenly or unevenly across the horizontal axis.  It is determined by the data that the chart represents.


Advantages of the Scatter Chart

  • Easy to understand.
  • Simple.
  • It does not get affected by external data.
  • It is the initial step in understanding the relationship between two variables.

Limitations of the Scatter Chart

  • Non-mathematical method.
  • Can’t be used for more than two variables.
  • It does not give results in quantitative form.

Chart Visualizations in Excel Power View

Power View is an Excel Visualization tool that allows you to build visually appealing graphs and charts, dashboards for management, and reports that can be issued daily, weekly, or monthly. When we think of Microsoft Excel, we think of various tools such as Formulae, which makes an analyst’s job simpler, PivotTables, which allows the user to analyze data distributed across a vast number of columns and rows, graph library, which is as comprehensive as any other programming language and so on. 

This article will provide an overview of Chart visualizations.

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FAQs on Chart Visualization

What are the various types of Column Charts?...

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