Restrictions with the GOTO Statement

Understanding the limitations of the GOTO statement is crucial:

  • Control Flow Limitations: GOTO cannot jump into IF, CASE, LOOP, or sub-blocks.
  • Branching Limitations: It cannot jump between different clauses within IF or CASE statements.
  • Block and Exception Handling Restrictions: GOTO cannot move from an outer block to a sub-block or out of a subprogram. Additionally, it cannot branch back from an exception handler into the current block.
  • Debugging Challenges: Programs with GOTO statements are often harder to debug, as the flow of control becomes less predictable.
  • Exception Handling Issues: In structured languages with exception handling mechanisms, GOTO statements often cannot branch back from an exception handler into the current block. This restriction prevents unstructured or unexpected control flow, ensuring that exception handling maintains its predictability.

PL/SQL Code Using the GOTO Statement Along with an Explanation

a NUMBER := 1;
-- Displaying values from 1 to 5
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Value of a: ' || a);
a := a + 1;

IF a = 4 THEN
GOTO my_label; -- Redirects control to the label 'my_label'


Value of a: 1
Value of a: 2
Value of a: 3
Value of a: 4
Value of a: 5



  • This PL/SQL block initializes The variable a with a value of 1.
  • It enters a loop that will display the value of a and increment it by 1 in each iteration.
  • Within the loop, there is an IF condition that checks if a equals 4. When a is 4, it triggers the GOTO statement.
  • The GOTO statement redirects the program flow back to the labeled statement <<my_label>>, effectively restarting the loop.
  • The loop continues until a reaches 5.

PL/SQL GOTO Statement

PL/SQL also known as Procedural Language/Structured Query Language, PL/SQL is a powerful programming language used in Oracle databases to do interaction with data. One of its features is the GOTO statement, which helps control how a program flows by allowing it to jump to specific statements within the same part of the program.

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GOTO Statement in PL/SQL

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Restrictions with the GOTO Statement

Understanding the limitations of the GOTO statement is crucial:...


DECLARE num NUMBER;BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Welcome to the Program'); num := -2; IF num > 0 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('You entered a positive number.'); GOTO end_of_program; ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('You entered either zero or a negative number.'); END IF; <> DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('End of the Program');END;...


In conclusion, the GOTO statement in PL/SQL provides a means to control program flow by transferring to labeled statements. However, its usage is discouraged due to its potential to complicate code readability and maintainability in future and if someone else other than the person who has written the code tries to read the code it becomes tough for him the understand. It’s essential to employ structured programming techniques wherever possible to enhance code quality....

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